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[Friends of the League of WWI Aviation Historians] On this day, a 100 yrs ago, a fifth Belgian Sqdn...

Forwarded message - From: Walter Pieters 

Walter Pieters
Walter Pieters 7:18pm Aug 12
On this day, a 100 yrs ago, a fifth Belgian Sqdn (Vme Escadrille M) was formed, equipped with three Blériot monoplanes and one Morane, flown by civilian pilots who had been presenting their aircraft for military purposes (Jan Olieslagers, Jules Tyck, Paul Hanciau, Comte Joseph d'Hespel and Sergeant Henri Crombez. Sergent Crombez was immediately promoted to Adjudant and given temporally command of the Escadrille, which was not taken with much thanks by Comte d'Hespel, who already was an Adjudant.
The unit was also based at Wilryck, and Crombez was soon replaced by Lieutenant Louis Stellingwerff. Comte d'Hespel was then pleased to be posted to Brussels forming a convertion-school with the remaining five French Farmans. (on the pic, Jules Tyck, Julien Stellingwerff & Jean Olieslagers L to R)
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