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1 Wing Historical Centre Beauvechain open To morrow (14/07) afternoon

1 Wing Historical Centre Beauvechain

Plus qu'un Musée - Meer dan een Museum 
More than a Museum

[AVIATION.BRUSSELS] Chercher l’introuvable photo

Update Lunak dd 12/07/2024

Forwarded message - From: <jef.pets>

Beste luchtvaartvrienden,
op deze sombere, overvloedig beregende vrijdag, hopen wij u, zij het figuurlijk, wat zon te brengen in de vorm van een nieuwe update van de website.
U kan alles terugvinden via deze link
We voegen een dia toe met wat je kan verwachten bij deze update.
Een fijn weekend toegewenst vanwege ons team.

Groetjes – Jef.

[DHNET.BE] Voici pourquoi les hélicoptères américains seront plus nombreux dans le ciel belge

[Mirage 5 Pilots Association] New MPA Website

Forwarded message - From: Srt MPA 

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Beste leden en sympathisanten,
Met veel plezier kondigen we de lancering van onze gloednieuwe website aan.

In het bijgevoegde bestand kun je lezen waarom we deze nieuwe site hebben gemaakt. U vindt er ook een korte handleiding om je te helpen navigeren op de site.

Voor leden die hun lidgeld betaald hebben, ontvang je een aparte e-mail met
de codes die je nodig hebt om toegang te krijgen tot de "gereserveerde" modules.

We wensen u veel plezier bij het doorbladeren en kijken ernaar uit van je te horen op

Chers membres et sympathisants,

Nous sommes particulièrement heureux de vous annoncer la mise en ligne
de notre tout nouveau site web.

Vous pourrez lire dans le fichier ci-joint les raisons qui nous amenés
à créer ce nouveau site. Vous y trouverez un petit mode d'emploi
pour vous aider dans votre navigation.

Pour les membres en ordre de cotisation, vous recevrez un mail séparé
avec les codes vous permettant d'accéder aux modules « réservés ».

Nous espérons que vous éprouverez beaucoup de plaisir à le consulter ; n'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos impressions via le secrétariat

Dear members and sympathizers,

We are delighted to announce the launch of our brand new website.

In the attached file, you can read about our reasons for creating this new site.
You'll also find a short user guide to help you navigate through the site.

For paid-up members, you will receive a separate e-mail with the codes
enabling you to access the "reserved" modules.

We hope you enjoy browsing it, and we look forward to hearing from you


In case of problem, go to 

to get the latest Acrobat Reader version.

Wishing you a good reading,
Luc Mercier
MPA Secretary
Copyright © 2024 Mirage 5 pilots association, All rights reserved.
Vous recevez ce message à cause de votre intérêt dans le Mirage 5 belge. U ontvangt dit bericht wegens uw interesse in de Belgische Mirage 5.

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Mirage 5 pilots association
15 allée de la Belle Fleur

[Vlaams Zweefvliegcentrum Phoenix] [Event] 2024 08 03-04 Opendeur Vliegveld Overboelare

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En plein renouveau, la Force aérienne belge lance la 5ème édition de sa Summer Expo
Pour la cinquième année consécutive, la Force aérienne belge a inauguré sa traditionnelle Summer Expo. Au programme, de nombreuses informations sur les métiers de la Force aérienne, les opérations, les futurs matériels,… mais aussi des rencontres a…
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[1 Wing] Firefighting Fan Day

[Brussels Airport Company] 2.1 million passengers at Brussels Airport in June - Almost 54,000 tons of freight transported

Forwarded message - From: Press Office - Brussels Airport Company 

    Read the press release online
Lees het persbericht in het Nederlands
Consultez la version française

2.1 million passengers
at Brussels Airport in June

Almost 54,000 tons of freight transported

In June, Brussels Airport welcomed 2.1 million passengers, a growth of 4% compared to June 2023. For the first half of the year, there were almost 11 million passengers. The total freight volume decreased by 9% in June, to a total of 54,000 tons.

Passengers: +4% compared to June 2023

In June, the airport welcomed 2,098,373 passengers. This is an increase of 4% compared to June 2023. With the beginning of the summer holidays at the end of June, there were more departing than arriving passengers.

Transfer passengers accounted for 15% of departing passengers. This is lower than last year due to a drop in the number of passengers travelling within Europe. The number of intercontinental transfer passengers continues to grow and thus supports the further development of the intercontinental network of Brussels Airport.

The ten most popular countries in June were Spain, Italy, Germany, Greece, Türkiye, the United States, Portugal, Morocco, France and the United Kingdom.

The network of Brussels Airport continues to expand. New routes starting up in June were Shanghai, operated by Hainan Airlines, Nairobi by Brussels Airlines, and Budapest by Wizzair.
For the first half of 2024, from January to June, there were almost 11 million passengers, 6% more than in 2023.


Flown cargo volumes: 12% lower than in June 2023

Cargo volumes flown via Brussels Airport decreased by 12% in June compared to June 2023, to a total of 44,310 tons. For the global freight volume, there is a 9% drop compared to the same period last year, totalling 53,625 tons.
The full cargo segment has fallen by 30%, while belly cargo has increased significantly by 27%. On the other hand, express services are falling by 15%, and trucked volumes increased by about 3%.

The main import regions are Asia, Africa and North America. The main export regions are also Asia, followed by Africa and North America.

In the first half of 2024, cargo volumes remained stable with a slight decrease of 0.5% in total volumes compared to the same period in 2023.


Flight movements: -1% compared to June 2023

In June there were 17,406 movements, a decrease of 1% compared to the same period in 2023. The number of passenger flights increased by almost 2%. There were an average of 145 passengers per flight this month. That's 2,8% more than in June 2023. The number of cargo flights has fallen by 10% due to a decrease in the full cargo segment (-10%) and express services (-11%).
About Brussels Airport   
Brussels Airport is one of the most important airports in Europe. In 2023, Brussels Airport welcomed 22.2 million passengers and transported 701,000 tonnes of cargo through the airport. Brussels Airport caters for the specific needs of business travellers and holidaymakers alike, on both intra-European and long haul flights. In 2024, the airport offers direct connections between Belgium and 220 destinations worldwide, with flights operated by 72 airlines.   
The airport also offers a leading cargo platform, specialised in the transport of pharmaceutical products, perishable goods, e-commerce and live animals. Brussels Airport is the most important pharmaceutical hub in Europe. 
With its SHIFT 2027 strategy, launched in 2022, Brussels Airport Company intends to strengthen its position as a major European hub, accelerate its ambitious sustainability goals, e.g. through the European Green Deal project Stargate, and continue to diversify its activities by focusing on innovation and cooperation.

Brussels Airport is the second most important economic growth pool in Belgium, good for 64,000 direct and indirect jobs and is owned and operated by Brussels Airport Company. The shareholders are a consortium of private investors (75%) and the  Belgian State (25%). Follow Brussels Airport on Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.  
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Brussels Airport Company · Luchthaven Brussel Nationaal · Zaventem 1930 · Belgium

[Brussels South Charleroi Airport ]2024 summer season news 🌞

Forwarded message - From: Brussels South Charleroi Airport 

2024 summer season news 🌞

Do you fancy getting away from it all 🌍? We have lots of different sunny ☀️ destinations for you to choose from. This summer, there are six new destinations available from our airport. 

We are offering more opportunities to travel to Morocco, thanks to the arrival of Air Arabia Maroc

We also have all the facilities you need to guarantee the perfect relaxed atmosphere to get you in the holiday mood.

The holidays are just around the corner, so make the most of the best services and the best prices when you fly from Brussels South Charleroi Airport!
🛫 Oujda here we come!

On 21 June 2024, Air Arabia Maroc is launching two flights a week to Oujda from B.S.C.A. The airline will operate this route with its 174-seat Airbus A320s.

This summer, Ryanair is offering six new destinations. Cork (Ireland), Gothenburg (Sweden), Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Olbia (Sardinia, Italy), Dubrovnik (Croatia) and Ponta Delgada (Azores, Portugal) are the new additions to the wide range already offered by the airline departing from Brussels-Charleroi.
What's new at the airport?

B.S.C.A.'s new esplanade offers a wide range of food and drink options at any time of the day.

With its original design, the Plaza offers passengers and their companions the chance to enjoy some fresh air before departure, with a wide range of food and drink outlets. There is a comprehensive, varied array of options, with a particular focus on the quality of the products and the welcome that customers can expect.

Fritapapa, Schamp by La Cantine and Olivia are open every day, looking forward to serving you whatever you fancy, in a relaxed outdoor area. You'll think your holiday has started early!


Enjoy delicious, healthy food thanks to POKAWA, your number one stop for that classic Hawaiian dish, poké.
Poké Bowls are made using fresh, wholesome ingredients, served on a bed of rice. A generous meal, packed with nutrients and vitamins. 
There are sweet and savoury options, all as exotic, colourful and delicious as the next! 

Open every day, from 10am until 10pm, in the international area where you come out of the airport's Duty Free shop. 
Escapism guaranteed!

What about getting to and from the airport? 
Since 25 April, has offered easy, direct links to/from Antwerp, Tilburg and Breda.
On top of that, always keen to improve the passenger experience, now offers a service unlike any other in Europe, with even more comfort and convenience for travellers: the Mobility Centre.

🌿 Let's look after our blue planet! 🌍

🐝 B.S.C.A. uses beehives, located near the airport site, to analyse biodiversity as part of its environmental policy 🌼
This is a project run by B.S.C.A., in partnership with not-for-profit organisation Terre@Air, BeeOdiversity and SOWAER.

As part of its environmental policy, Brussels South Charleroi Airport has launched a project involving four beehives located near the airport site, on land belonging to SOWAER. The goal is twofold: to take stock of biodiversity and to analyse the impact of any pollution in/around the airport site. Working in partnership with not-for-profit organisation Terre@Air and BeeOdiversity, who take samples and analyse them, B.S.C.A. is keen to take proactive responsibility and continue to reduce its environmental footprint.

This project is also part of Well'Air, a SOWAER initiative, the aim of which is to create an airport community to implement innovative, collaborative projects involving Wallonia's two airports. It also intends to get local people involved. 


Yves, how often do you travel via Brussels-Charleroi airport?  


Become a member of My Charleroi Airport Bonus 

By becoming a member of My Charleroi Airport Bonus, you will benefit from many advantages, all by accumulating points for each € spent. 
Become a member today and receive 15 points as a welcome gift !

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15 points as a welcome gift

-10% off your 2nd parking reservation

-15% off the Duty Free e-shop

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