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Event 2013-08-03 & 2013-08-04 Open Door en 5de Tailwheel Meet op EBGG (Geraardsbergen-Overboelare)

Thx Dirk

Forwarded message From: Dirk De Quick
Open Door en 5de Tailwheel Meet op EBGG (Geraardsbergen-Overboelare) op 3 en 4 augustus 2013.

Vlaams Zweefvliegcentrum Phoenix vzw
Veldekensdreef 8
9500 Geraardsbergen
054/42 19 58 (enkel tijdens het weekend)
Bankgegevens: IBAN: BE66 3930 4059 9643 BIC: BBRUBEBB

Video: "Flying in the Lancaster Bomber cockpit part 1 of 2 Lake Ontario Niagara Falls Canada & USA"

Dedication from all involved at the museum in restoring and maintaining this historic WWII bomber aircraft. During this flight I had many thoughts about the young airmen who flew in these Lancasters through wartime, their ground crews and what it could of possibly meant, -----

Part1 flight begins with engines starting then @ 00:48sec 3/4 throttle takeoff from Hamilton CWHM , cockpit view 1:53min along Great Lake Ontario to Toronto with a CN Tower flypast 07:01min . 45 degree bank turn over Toronto at 07:24 then over Lake Ontario with a upper mid gunners view 07:51min, onto Niagara Falls 10:33min, , There are several warplane flights available with a membership -----

©2013 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

Museums Association Spending review: cuts for museums | Jodi Awards 2013

The dramatic cuts in cultural spendings (including air museums) continue

aerobuzz : Art book Bernard Lengert

* * * * * * * * *
Bernard Lengert est un peintre discret qui vit en Lorraine. Les éditions Revasion ont décidé de faire connaître à un plus large public son travail en rassemblant dans un Art book ses peintures d'aviation.

Event : 2013-07-13 meeting de valencienne


Video [vintage-and-warbirds] THE FLYING LESSON

The Flying Lesson is an ambitious action/drama short film involving air-to-air stunt sequences with a vintage WWII Tiger Moth bi-plane.
After the recent death of her grandfather, Phoebe Sanderson (Jessica Blake) takes a flying lesson in the exact plane her grandfather flew in WWII, a recently restored Tiger Moth. With a sense of trepidation, she takes flight with a promise to keep. Only a chauvinistic flying instructor (Richard J. Fletcher) with a secret stands in her way...

THE FLYING LESSON | A Short Film from Phil Hawkins - Director on Vimeo.
The Flying Lesson is an ambitious action/drama short film involving air-to-air stunt sequences with a vintage WWII Tiger Moth bi-plane.

After the recent death of her grandfather, Phoebe Sanderson (Jessica Blake) takes a flying lesson in the exact plane her grandfather flew in WWII, a recently restored Tiger Moth. With a sense of trepidation, she takes flight with a promise to keep. Only a chauvinistic flying instructor (Richard J. Fletcher) with a secret stands in her way...

The film was shot over 5 days mainly on a Canon C300 with some aerial unit footage shot on the Red and even a 5D Mark II. I became involved when Adrian Alexander (owner and stunt pilot of "Huffy The Tiger Moth") got in touch with a script from a new writer (Ian Bishop) and had already teamed up with James Oldham, an aspiring director of photography. After a few rewrites of the script to move it more into a story based short and away from previous drafts which were more stunt based, I came onboard as director and produced the short through my company The Philm Company in association with Frantic Film and Motley Flying Productions.

The film was edited by Alex Macleod using Adobe Premiere which, because of our mixed camera formats, worked brilliantly. The original score was composed by Richard Bodgers including our own arrangement of classical piece "In The Hall Of The Mountain King" which was an ambitious feat in itself!

We really wanted to create a short film that would 'raise the bar' of what is possible on a low budget with a team of talented, ambitious, like-minded folks. I'd never shot with aeroplanes or stunts before so I loved the challenge and also really pushed to try and create an cinematic short film. I must point out that this short has received no external/public funding and was shot on a very limited budget. It may not look it, but I guess that's the point! My heartfelt thanks to the talented cast, crew, pilots and facilities companies who made this short possible. We really couldn't have made it without you all. There are too many people to thank here but every single person in the credits (please watch!) were integral to creating this film. You can see a behind the scenes video here:

Please do share so we can show out film to as many people as possible and post your comments below.

We hope that you enjoy it. | |

Aeroplane Monthly Mosquito for sale

MAM to sell off collection
Tuesday, 25 June 2013 17:41
The most priceless of all the gems in the MAM collection, de Havilland Mosquito FB.26  KA116, at Pungo Airfield on May 16. richard mallory allnuttThe most priceless of all the gems in the MAM collection, de Havilland Mosquito FB.26 KA116, at Pungo Airfield on May 16. richard mallory allnutt
In mid-June, a spokesman for The Military Aviation Museum (MAM) at Virginia Beach told Aeroplane that the 70+ First and Second World War aircraft in its collection are up for sale, and the museum will shut up shop later this year. This shock development came just a month after the MAM's de Havilland Mosquito FB.26, KA114, made its American debut at the MAM's Warbirds Over the Beach show, following its arrival from New Zealand (see Aeroplane, December 2012).
Sadly, inclement weather over the May 17-18 weekend led to a severely truncated flying programme at the Warbirds Over the Beach show, but the Mosquito flew from the MAM's grass strip on May 16 in front of enthusiasts from all over the world, who had travelled to Virginia for this very special occasion.


New Datafile on the Belgian Wings Website: Maurice Farman MF.8 (Seaplane)


I've just added a new datafile on the Belgian-Wings website on the unique Maurice Farman MF.8 type militaire VIII seaplane use buy the Belgian Air Service to create the "Escadrille Hydro" in 1915.
Have a look by clicking the picture:

Best regards,

Daniel Brackx

Vidéo PAF + Rafale + Mirages !......... PATROUILLE DE FRANCE

Thx Jean-Luc Forwarded message ailesetplumes

Voici une courte mais belle vidéo réunissant, chose rare, la Patrouille
de France et l'ensemble de la gamme de "DASSAULT" en activité
dans l'Armée de l'Air.

Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous :



La PATROUILLE DE FRANCE comme vous ne l'avez jamais vue. Un film de Eric MAGNAN, produit par François-Olivier ROBIN & Eric MAGNAN - AIRBORNE FILMS

« PATROUILLE DE FRANCE », c’est l’histoire d’une passion et d’une fidélité. Le réalisateur, pilote et esthète Eric Magnan à qui l’on doit notamment les très remarquées séquences aériennes du long-métrage Les Chevaliers du Ciel, a déjà filmé ce corps d’élite et les pilotes ont trouvé tout naturel qu’il réalise le film événement à l’occasion du 60ème anniversaire de la Patrouille de France.

Le Soir : L’aéroport de Bruxelles s’entoure d’un nouveau mur de sécurité

L’aéroport de Bruxelles a entrepris de construire un mur de près de trois mètres de haut et long de plusieurs centaines de mètres sur son périmètre sud, sans doute à la suite du spectaculaire vol de diamants commis le 18 février dernier, a constaté l’agence BELGA.

Le Soir : Le "Connector", le prochain nouveau bâtiment de Brussels Airport

Le bâtiment, d'une longueur de 200 mètres et d'une superficie totale de 32.850 m², sera utilisé par tous les passagers partant de Brussels Airport. Il fera la jonction entre le hall de départ et la jetée A.


Belgians in RAF and SAAF 1940 1945 - Pictures album : Pegasus bridge by André Bar

mercredi 19 juin 2013

Pictures album : Pegasus bridge by André Bar

Pegasus Bridge by André bar
Jun 19, 2013
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To share your photos or receive notification when your friends share photos, get your own free Picasa Web Albums account.

aerobuzz : Réplic'Air abrité au musée de l'air

* * * * * * * * *
La réplique du Morane-Saulnier de Roland Garros est visible durant les journées grand public du salon du Bourget 2013, dans la salle des 8 colonnes du musée de l'air

Vintage Wings of Canada : Sweet Dream and Nightmares

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Ladies and Gentlemen Aviators

The promise of the Landseaire flying luxury yacht was good times and adventure. For two of these Consolidated PBY Catalina luxury conversions, the end came quicker than their creators imagined. Follow this link to learn more:

Dave O'Malley, Vintage Wings of Canada
If you wish to be added to or removed from our lists let us know.

Video: "A400M The Versatile Airlifter"

Airbus Military's A400M airlifter is a cost-effective, high-speed turboprop aircraft specifically designed to meet the needs of European NATO nations, as well as the requirements of international air forces.

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Nouvelles images en ligne - ATCC SEMMERZAKE

Thx Luc
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Bonne(s) visite(s) et à bientôt.

Luc Dujardin

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Video: "Paris Air Show 2013 - Wednesday 19 June, Airbus A380 and A400M Flying demos - uncut version"

©2013 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 : To Boldly Go where no Woman has Gone Before!

18/06/13 08:38:41 Van F-16-pilote tot personal trainer
To Boldly Go where no Woman has Gone Before!
Op 1 april 2013 vertrok Annemie 'Mie' Jansen, de eerste vrouwelijke F-16-piloot, op pensioen. "Ik ben een gelukkige vrouw", zegt ze op het tarmac in Bevekom, voor de Marchetti's van het 5de smaldeel. Maar ook 'Pipi Langkous' en 'buitenbeentje' vallen tijdens ons gesprek.

18/06/13 08:38:41 De pilote F-16 à coach personnel
To Boldly Go where no Woman has Gone Before!
Annemie « Mie » Jansen, la première femme pilote de F-16, a pris sa retraite le 1er avril 2013. « Je suis une femme comblée » déclare-t-elle sur le tarmac de Beauvechain, devant les Marchetti de la cinquième escadrille. La Fifi Brindacier de l'aviation belge se remémore les moments forts de sa carrière. : 80 UAV Squadron verslaat ze allemaal / Le 80 UAV Squadron les bat tous

Inline image 1

80 UAV Squadron verslaat ze allemaal
Het Franse Centre de Formation et d'Interprétation Interarmées de l'Imagerie (CFIII - Intermachten Centrum voor Vorming en Analyse van Beeldmateriaal) organiseert sinds 1997 jaarlijks een wedstrijd in het herkennen van militair materieel op beelden (Imagery Intelligence of IMINT).

19/06/13 14:06:20 Le 80 UAV Squadron les bat tous
Le Centre de Formation et d'Interprétation Interarmées de l'Imagerie (CFIII) français organise depuis 1997 une compétition annuelle de reconnaissance de matériels militaires sur des images (Imagery Intelligence of IMINT).

Aviation archeology in Brittany

Inline image 1Interesting sequence on the French A2 TV news (around 25 minutes from the start)

The Association Bretonne du Souvenir Aerien search WW2 crashed aircraft in Brittany,84286899.html

See also

Space : Herinnering 50 jaar eerste vrouw in de ruimte

Forwarded message From: Dirk De Quick 

sinds kort is ook geweten dat zij als eerste een  "mission patch" had.
hiervan waren er slechts 3 gemaakt die op haar trainingsuniformen zaten en 1 op haar training die ze onder haar ruimtepak droeg.
deze is nog te zien op haar trainingspak dat hangt in het muzeum van het Gagarin Trainingcentrum.
ter gelegenheid van de 50ste verjaardag van haar vlucht kreeg een Nederlandse kunstenaar de patch van naderbij te bekijken en op te meten.
deze werden nu gereproduceerd door
25 op ware grootte (die zijn intussen uitverkocht) en daarna ook op 1/2 grootte.

Fifty years ago, first woman to fly in space wore world's first mission patch
Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, who 50 years ago this Sunday (June 16) launched aboard the Soviet Union's Vostok 6 mission, set a world record by becoming the first woman in space. But her gender wasn't the only contribution that Tereshkova made to the cultural history of space exploration — she was also the first to wear a mission emblem on her spacesuit, although it was hidden from view.
Now half a century later, a Dutch artist is set to bring that patch into the light — and to the public — by producing replicas.


SBAP site update on 23-06-2013

Forwarded message From: Serge VAN HEERTUM

Dear aviation enthusiast,
This week on SBAP web site


Volkel Airshow 2013:
100 years military aviation
A great airshow held in the Netherlands
presented by Serge Van Heertum
pictures : Serge Van Heertum, David Niemegeerts, Marc Arys & Bruno Ghils

Coming soon:
Paris Airshow
Manston Air Day
Wittmund Adios Phantom
and much more...
Thanks for your support, enjoy your flight and always safe landing...
Don't forget to share our links with all your interested friends...
Enjoy your visit

The SBAP team

Flying-Zone de juin est online

Thx Serge

Forwarded message From: Serge NEMRY 

Notre édition de juin est en ligne.
Nous vous en souhaitons une agréable lecture et espérons que vous apprécierez nos articles.
Bon dimanche et bonne semaine.Au sommaire ce mois :

Stampe Fly the rain.

La patrouille de France fête ses 60 ans à domicile.

L'aérogare d'Antwerpen-Deurne.

SU-30 Ougandais.

Jubilé pour l'EALAT.

Accident de C-119, il y a 50 ans.

BD : Dent d'ours.
Silver Spurs, rectification.

Airshowtrips 2013.



Air Journal - Tout sur le transport aérien - Le 20 juin 1910 dans le ciel : Le dirigeable « Clouth » vole de Cologne à Bruxelles

Air Journal - Tout sur le transport aérien

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 03:03 PM PDT
Histoire de l'aviation - 20 juin 1910. Ce lundi 20 juin 1910, un équipage constitué de trois aéronautes : le capitaine Von Kleist, pilote, M. Eugène Clouth, et l'ingénieur Dilg, …
Le 20 juin 1910 dans le ciel : Le dirigeable « Clouth » vole de Cologne à Bruxelles is a post from: Air Journal

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Video : Belgen doen het prima in luchtvaart

Thx Paul,

De Belgische en Vlaamse lucht- en ruimtevaartindustrie heeft hoegenaamd geen last van de crisis. Elk jaar groeit de sector met 5 %. Dat komt omdat onze bedrijven, als een van de weinigen, heel gespecialiseerde hoogtechnologische precisieonderdelen kunnen maken. Op de luchtvaartbeurs van Parijs in Le Bourget zijn wij de op vijf na grootste.


TV show 2013 06 23 FRANCE 5 à 17H30 : LE CRASH

thx emile

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Ce dimanche 23 juin sur FRANCE 5 à 17H30 : LE CRASH
[tests grandeur nature avec un Boeing 727 télécommandé pour étudier les effets d'un crash]

Sciences et technique (1h30)
L'une des expériences les plus importantes dans le monde de l'aviation a consisté à faire écraser délibérément un Boeing 727 dans le désert mexicain. Le but était de recréer un grave accident d'avion avec des survivants. Après quatre ans d'études et avec des millions de dollars investis, un dispositif a été mis en place ...


Video Le Bourget Airbus day 2

I was lucky on Monday, I was arriving in Paris for a bussiness trip just at the moment the A400M was on show. really impressive

(From Airbus)Airbus’ high-profile presence on the 2013 Paris Air Show’s second day is captured in this compilation video. It highlights key commercial announcements, including EasyJet’s selection of 100 A320neo and 35 A320ceo jetliners and Syphax Airlines’ order for three A320neo and three A320ceo aircraft; Airbus’ delivery of LATAM Airlines Group’s 200th A320; flight presentations of the A400M and no. 1 British Airways A380, and more.   

L’entreprise belge Sonaca décroche un contrat d’un milliard de dollars

Mis en ligne il y a 5 heures
La société aéronautique carolorégienne Sonaca a décroché un contrat avec le constructeur brésilien Embraer pour la fourniture des becs de bord d'attaque ( » slats ») et les volets (« flaps ») des futurs avions régionaux baptisés E2 – la nouvelle version des Embraer 190 et 195.

See more :

Brussels Airlines starts flights to Washington today 18 June 2013

Starting today 18 June 2013, Brussels Airlines operates five flights per week between Brussels Airport and Washington Dulles. The new scheduled service aims at passengers travelling to the American capital as well as passengers who connect to other destinations in the United States via Washington.

After an absence of 12 years, a Belgian passenger aircraft will land in Washington Dulles Airport today with Brussels Airlines flight SN515. And that’s not the only novelty: SN515 is the first and only flight with a late afternoon departure from Brussels Airport to the United States. The inaugural flight will be sent off festively at Brussels Airport and awaits a warm welcome in the American capital.
With this new scheduled service Brussels Airlines doesn’t only connect the European and American capitals with each other: Brussels Airport en Washington Dulles are two important hubs of the Star Alliance network and this new service creates dozens of new connection possibilities. The flight schedule allows for passengers to connect to many other destinations in the US with other Star Alliance partners. A lot of passengers combine the Washington flight with a connection to the West Coast or big cities in the US. The first flight to Washington has passengers on board who travel onwards to San Francisco, Mississippi, Chicago, Indianapolis and Kansas City. The first flight departing from Washington welcomes passengers that transfer through Brussels Airport to other Brussels Airlines destinations like Oslo, Kinshasa, Abidjan, Copenhagen and Douala.
This summer season Brussels Airlines flies 5 times per week to Washington D.C. All flights are operated with Airbus A330-200 or A330-300 aircraft that have recently been refurbished with comfortable Business- and Economy Class cabins. 
Long haul growth
The new Washington D.C. route is launched exactly one year after the successful start of the New York JFK route, Brussels Airlines’ first trans-Atlantic route. Washington is the second East Coast destination for Brussel Airlines. The first commercial results are satisfying.


Aviation Weeks : Belgium To Take Over Baltic Air Policing

  • Posted by Nicholas Fiorenza 10:10 AM on Jun 17, 2013
    Belgium will take over NATO's Baltic air policing mission in August, the council of ministers of the Belgian government decided on 14 June.
    Belgian Defense photo by C. Decloedt
    Four Belgian F-16s will police the airspace of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania from the latter's Siauliai air base from the end of August to the beginning of January.
    The Belgian detachment in Siauliai will number 50 personnel. An additional two Belgians will be based in the Baltic air policing control and reporting centre in Karmelava, Lithuania.
    The Belgians will relieve four French Mirage F1CRs which have been conducting the Baltic air policing mission since the end of April.

Civil aviation - Air Journal - Tout sur le transport aérien - Brussels Airlines s’envole vers Washington

Air Journal - Tout sur le transport aérien

    Posted: 16 Jun 2013 11:30 PM PDT
    La compagnie aérienne Brussels Airlines inaugure demain sa nouvelle liaison entre Bruxelles et Washington, deuxième destination aux Etats-Unis après New York. A partir du 18 juin 2013, la compagnie nationale …
    Brussels Airlines s'envole vers Washington is a post from: Air Journal

    This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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    Brussels Airlines starts scheduled service to Alicante

    Starting 26 October Brussels Airlines will operate flights to Alicante. The entry port to the popular Costa Blanca with its many holiday resorts such as Benidorm, Calpe, Denia and Torrevieja will be connected to Brussels Airport on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

    The Spanish Costa Blanca is a much loved holiday destination all year round, thanks to its fantastic climate, the extensive tourist infrastructure and the stunning coastline. The Belgians are, after the British and the Dutch, the third largest group of visitors. They stay in hotels or stay in one of the many apartments and holiday homes in Belgian possession.
    Starting 26 October Brussels Airlines will operate direct flights to Alicante. The capital of the Alicante province is located in the heart of this popular Spanish Costa and is the perfect gateway to the main beach resorts.
    Alicante is the fifth destination in Spain for Brussels Airlines and completes the existing daily flight offer to Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga and Bilbao.
    “With the launch of Alicante we can now offer Brussels Airlines passengers a comfortable travel option to the two most important holiday regions on the Spanish mainland: The Costa Blanca via Alicante and the Costa Del Sol/Andalusia via Malaga”, says Brussels airlines CCO Lars Redeligx. “With Alicante, a top destination in the Belgian travel market, we extend our flight offer to sun destinations even more. Vacationers who wish to travel to the South, have a wide array of choice at Brussels Airlines thanks to our flight offer to Palermo, Catania, Lamezia Terme, Venice, Naples, Florence, Lisbon, Malaga, Barcelona, Tel Aviv, Marrakech, Agadir, Nice, Marseille, and now also Alicante.”
    The flights will depart every Wednesday and Saturday, with an early afternoon departure from Brussels Airport and a late afternoon departure from Alicante airport. This schedule allows good connectivity with other European destinations in the Brussels Airlines network.
    Flight Schedule
    Flight Number              Days of the week               Departure                             Arrival
    SN 3771                            ..3..6.                           Brussels  13.30                Alicante 15.55
    SN 3772                            ..3..6.                           Alicante 16.35                  Brussels   19.10
    A return ticket to Alicante is available as from €99 (all taxes and fees included). Reservations are possible starting today at or via the travel agencies.