Multi-engine aircraft Renard (Nicolas Godfurnon)
“Société anonyme des avions et moteurs Renard” was founded in 1925 with
the aim of designing and manufacturing aviation engines of 100, 120 and
240 horse-power. Within three years the firm became “Renard
Constructions aéronautiques” better known as the “Ateliers Renard,” and
began constructing aircraft of its own design. Thirty-six prototypes,
including two multi-engine transport aircraft, were designed and built
in less than 12 years by this company with less than 200 employees.
During this period, Alfred Renard was one of the few manufacturers to
design and build airplanes powered by engines of his own design. After
the Second World War, Alfred Renard and Jean Stampe renewed their
partnership to found the Stampe and Renard company and amongst other
activities, resumed the study of the multi-engine transport R-45. The
development of these multi-engine aircraft proved to be always very
difficult because, unlike in other countries, there were no close links
between national manufacturers and carriers. The considerable financial
resources needed to develop these multi-engine transport machines was
often been lacking. In spite of this, there were no less than three,
innovative and original multiengine aircraft, that were designed by
Alfred Renard whilst two of them were actually built.
Multi-engine aircraft Renard :
Softback A4 format book of 80 pages. French & English text , more
than 140 colour and black and white illustrations and 2 view drawings. Price : 20 Euro + P&P postage
Purchase via : Fax 0032 (0)2 242.51.52