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Ailes Militaires Belges : Airbus A330-300

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Airbus A330-300


Airbus A330
Pour pallier les problèmes de disponibilité auxquels elle est confrontée avec ses deux Airbus A310, la Défense lance fin 2008 un appel d'offre pour le leasing d'un seul appareil destiné à les remplacer. Le marché est remporté par la société portugaise Hi Fly.
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Ailes Militaires Belges : Rénovation au White bison

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Rénovation au White bison

ad renov bierset 2013 31
Le 21 décembre 1993, en application des plans de réduction des implantations militaires, il était mis fin aux activités du 3 Wing Tactique installé sur la base de Bierset (Liège); cette base accueillait l'Aéronautique Militaire puis la Force Aérienne depuis 1914.
Le 19 décembre 2013, soit quasiment jour pour jour, 20 ans plus tard, la Fraternelle des Anciens du 3 Wing Tactique organisait l'inauguration des installations du musée "White Bison" après rénovations.    Lire l'article
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Video : Spitfire Mk1 Dunkirk Veteran
P9374 left the factory on the 2nd of March 1940 and was flown to No.9 Maintenance Unit for final checks before going on to 92 Squadron, based at Duxford, Eng...

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SBAP site update on 29-12-2013

Forwarded message - From: Serge VAN HEERTUM 

Dear aviation enthusiast,
This week on SBAP web site :


Brussels Museum...Recent Restorations
The four restorations ended in 2013 by
the voluntary team of the Air and Space museum
Presented by Serge Van Heertum
Pictures : Serge Van Heertum, Danny Carels, Marc Arys,
Laurent Cuvelier and Yves Duwelz
Archivalia : 

Belgian Air Force :
Bristol Sycamore & Lockheed-Martin F-16BM

Sabena :
Bleriot-SPAD 33 & Douglas DC-6B
Belgian Civil Aircraft :
De Havilland Canada "Otter" & Boeing B-737-8K5
Foreign in Belgium : 

Falcon 10 MER & Airbus A310 "Polaris"
Thanks for your support in 2013, enjoy your flight and always safe landing...
Don't forget to share our links with all your interested friends...Enjoy your visit

The SBAP team

BAPA NEWS November & December 2013

November & December 2013

Cold but on the frontline !

November and December was cold but busy.

Laurent started to paint the parts of the front undercarriage he already lovely restored. To preserve and protect the parts he restored, Laurent put not less that 3 layers of primer and 3 layers of paint. Fortunately all the paint reference are included in the maintenance manuals we have. Although it was time consuming to find exactly the same colour, he succeed in doing it. He also restored the identification plates applied on the different parts. As mentioned last month, he build a support to test retraction of the undercarriage, see a demonstration in video.

Vincent painted the wings of the Flying flea, he is working on. The compressor is not yet in place but using a mobile unit, he can achieve good results (although he hate the yellow colour).

On the B-25 front fuselage, both Yves started to work in the bombardier compartment. Any remains of glass mastic used to fix the Plexiglas are removed and we also repaired small scratches. We discovered very few corrosion zones. Most of the damaged parts can be easily repaired by manufacturing new ones. Once the cleanup will be done, Thierry will do a checkup for corrosion and we will share our findings to be sure nothing is forgotten. He already repaired a small bump. We also searched to understand how the floor was fixed. We discovered two different models were used but the good news is these parts can be made from scratch and we do not need to buy expensive specific parts.

Eric is finishing to remove carefully to the damaged parts on the central section. It took him a lot of time avoiding to further damage these parts. Some nuts were very resistant and needed hours to be removed.

We had the visit of the third Yves and the RSAB organized a meeting in Gembloux. More than 30 visitors had the occasion to share with us their experiences and their broad knowledge.

Robert fabricated a box to store the blades of the focke achgelis of Didier.
We received from Marc Vanderelst  a splendid picture of the B-25 Mitchell of the 180 squadron. The father of Marc flow with this unit.

Thierry is working on a workshop security checklist.

Winter is almost there, so we plan to buy sweat-shirt and overall to protect ourself against the rigors of the Belgian weather. If you are interested.
They will be on sale with BAPA from January at 37 Euro for BAPA members and 50 Euro for non members. If you are interested please contact us

The back is decorated with the pinup once painted on our B-25. If you are interested please contact us.

The safety poster is updated at the workshop as a reminder of good practices and put a copy of these posters at  

On  the archiving from, we are currently putting in service a backup of digital documents already scanned.
More than 140 documents of the Veys collection are now available at  
Our collection of digital aircraft manuals is now of 808 items ( .

Thanks again to all those we support us. Our finance status is healthy for the end of this year but we need to increase our capabilities in 2014.

Any support, financial as well in gift of tools, archive or aircraft is still welcome. See more at

Many happy landings

All pictures available from our picture albums

Visit us on
To join the Bastards : +32 477931671 or +32 48536686 Email :

We do it because we did not know it is supposed to be impossible

Video: "Bronco Demo Team OV-10"

New video made for the EAC 2013

©2013 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

Bronco Demo Team update

In order to complete the website, we still had two Airshow reports left to be finnished. The 2012 Waddington Airshow and the Royal International Air Tattoo reports can now be found on Enjoy!

New projects at Raymond's Aircraft Restoration

Yet again we got a nice christmas present. Three days ago a container with two Stearman projects arrived at our premises. One of them is this 450hp version that won first prize at the 1980 National Stearman Fly In in Galesburg.
Yet again we got a nice christmas present. Three days ago a container with two Stearman projects arrived at our premises. One of them is this 450hp version that won first prize at the 1980 National Stearman Fly In in Galesburg.


Future Airshow : Fly In wordt waardige vervanger airshow

Fly In wordt waardige vervanger airshow
KOKSIJDE - Koksijde organiseert van 1 tot 3 augustus Fly In. Een vliegshow rond het thema WOI en 100 jaar vliegveld in Koksijde. 'Als het publiek dit een waardig alternatief voor de vroegere airshow vindt, dan zijn we misschien voor jaren vertrokken.'

KOKSIJDE - Ook in Koksijde is men van plan om de Groote Oorlog te herdenken. Het belangrijkste aandeel van de gemeente was de aanwezigheid van een militair vliegveld en dat wordt in de kijker geplaatst.
Koksijde bevond zich tijdens WO I op een tiental kilometer achter het front. Het dorp was rustplaats voor de troepen, maar werd nu en dan door de Duitse artillerie beschoten.
'Het belangrijkste aandeel van Koksijde in WO I was evenwel de aanwezigheid van het militair vliegveld op en rond de site Ten Bogaerde', vertelt burgemeester Marc Vanden bussche (Lijst Burgemeester). 'Dit uitgestrekt terrein telde zowat vijftien loodsen en twintig barakken. Het belang van dit vliegveld als unieke locatie voor de eerste vestiging van de militaire luchtvaart in 1914-1918 mag niet onderschat worden. Daarom wil onze gemeente dit in 2014 op een gepaste manier herdenken.'

Het gemeentebestuur wil daarvoor samenmet de West Aviation Club en de Basis Koksijde van 1 tot 3 augustus 2014 een Fly In organiseren. Tijdens dit driedaagse evenement zullen historische vliegtuigen tentoongesteld worden, zullen er expo’s zijn over de Basis Koksijde en de rol van Koksijde in WO I. Er komt onder meer ook een heus historisch dorp.
Hebt u archiefmateriaal in uw bezit over Koksijde en/of WO I, oude foto’s, voorwerpen, krantenartikels, brieven? Of kent u nog een sterk verhaal, overgeleverd in uw familie? Dan kan u de gemeentelijke dienst cultuur ongetwijfeld verder helpen bij de organisatie van dit evenement.Info: of 058-53 34 40.
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