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LIFE magazine March 30th 1942 AVG Flying Tigers

Forwarded message marc loriaux

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Thx Marc

Interesting article and one I can actually relate (sort of) to.  When I returned from my year in Southeast Asia (66-67) I went back to school at the U of Minnesota.  I rented the upstairs of a small house in St. Paul from a sweet little lady by the name of Marie Haywood.  I had been living there for several months and had an occasion to be in her living room when I saw hanging on the wall a Nationalist Chinese flag, a AVG banner, and several other pieces of memorabilia obviously Flying Tiger related.  Naturally my interest was aroused and I asked about them.  Turns out that her son, Tom, was a pilot for the AVG and survived his "tour" in China and returned with this stuff.  Marie was widowed and lived there with her daughter but I never saw anyone else there.  I asked where Tom was and she said he was living in California and working for Flying Tiger Air Transport Services ( can't recall if that was the actual name).  He was a pilot for them until he had a heart attack and was grounded but continued in some other capacity.  She had a book that had been written about the Flying Tigers and she let me read it and it had several pictures and "mentions" in it about him.  We have a museum here in Nampa (Boise Area) called the Warhawk Museum with the main emphasis on WWII and the P-40 aircraft.  They have several of these aircraft and, as I understand, they were part of the filming of Tora, Tora, Tora. It has a lot of P-40 and AVG memorabilia and there is one picture of a group of guys and Tom Haywood is in it.  Anyway, interesting and it was good to revisit that piece of history.

New home Photos of ex Belgian Air Force Dakota K-11 EWM (Estrella WarBirds Museum)

Thx Jean-Luc,
The home of ex Belgian Air Force Dakota K-11

C'est là que se trouve l'ancien K-11 de la F.Aé.
On le voit d'ailleurs sur les photos.

Amical souvenir / Jean-Luc

-----Original Message-----
From: hangaronelax

These photos show how our Museum has expanded. 
The "Red" structure between two buildings, is our newest project.
We may not be finished in time for the May 19th Car Show but we are trying!
Check out our website: 


Newsletter PAR AVION N°25 - Mars 2012 - Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace

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2nd carrefour de l'Air : Fly'in et rencontres autour du patrimoine
Rendez-vous au musée ce week-end pour le 2nd rassemblement des musées aéronautiques : musées, associations, collectionneurs... Vendredi, rencontres "Collecter, conserver et valoriser le patrimoine aéronautique", samedi, fly'in de machines d'exception, samedi et dimanche : rencontres et échanges avec 42 exposants dans le hall Concorde. Ouvert à tous, accès gratuit.

Les Fouga ont fugué... Faites-les revenir !
Les trois Fouga, figures de proue du musée, vont subir une restauration complète avant de retrouver leur emplacement initial : l'entrée du musée. Pour retrouver une livrée flambant neuve, ils ont besoin de VOUS ! En donnant, votre nom sera associé à cette restauration, et vous obtiendrez un reçu fiscal pour réduction d'impôts.