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ASA : Deurne : 14/09/14 : An historical moment

14/09/14 : An historical moment

We are happy !
It took over 15 years and 3 airport commanders (Paul Paridaens, Eddy Cleirbaut and Wim Verbist) were involved but at last we got it…
During the weekend of September 14th, the runway at Antwerp airport was reopened to its full length. During the previous months, the it had been shortened due to works on the "Militaire baan", the road at the south side of the airport. These works involved the CONSTRUCTION of the 
420 m long tunnel, which was at last implemented in order to create a RESA area (Runway End Safety Area) at the end of runway 11. This RESA was needed in order to FULFILL the ICAO airport operation conditions.

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