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Georges Pradez take off

Many years ago, when I was a kid, some voices on the radio were familiar to me : Henry Simons, Gerard Vallet and Georges Pradez. Many peoples of  this generation and specially these voices were aviation minded. With passion and a lot of humor, Georges talked on the air about a lot of subjects but we he talked about Saint Ex, Lindbergh or the Antarctic flights of the Prince de Ligne, he can talk during hours, days or weeks.  He was the speaker in a lot of air shows in Belgium and he jumped on any occasion to fly. 

A few years ago, our friend Christian asked the help of friends of the BAMF. Georges was broadcasting his last radio show with kids at the Brussels Air Museum and he asked some amateur aviation historians to intervene during the show. For many of us, he was already a radio hero, then we meet the man and a wonderful friend. When he definitively retired, he joined the BAMF and from this moment he share with us his incredible creativity, his enthusiasm and his extended knowledge of aviation. 

He had an unique talent to talk with all possible Belgian accents. He transformed  any stories or anedoctes in a show attracting the attention of his public by laughter.

Born in Liège, he came from a long lineage of creative craftsman. His first job was a manual one. The result was  Georges was also a master in scale modeling. No models, diorama or subjects was out of reach for him. He was behind the exquisite models on show in many prestigious exhibitions.
When we started the B-25 story, he supported us making our meetings moments we will never forget.
This morning, we learned Georges has a new appointment to share his talents with some of his aviation heroes he made alive for us so many time.

We lost more than a friend, we lost a voice but he will stay one of our sources of inspiration.  

As he said so many time, The sky's the limit.

Picture Pierre Taquet