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Video B-25 Mitchell in Melsbroek, Bodenplatte including scenes in Belgium

From end 1944, the B-25 Mitchells squadrons of the Royal Air Force were base in Melsbroek near Brussels. In December, the Mitchells executed interdiction missions on targets in Germany in support of the counter offensive during the Battle of the Bulge. On January 1st 1945, Melsbroek and other Allied airfields in Netherland, France and Belgium were assaulted by the Luftwaffe. This video show the B-25 taxying in the snow in Melsbroek, the crews, scenes of Bodenplate and wrecks of Luftwaffe fighter after the battle. Although some scene of Bodenplatte are “replayed” for the camera, this is an important document about the role of the Mitchells in the liberation of Europe.  

My channel is a NON PROFIT channel dedicated to Remembrance of the WW2 allied soldier."RAF Warfront." 1 January 1945: B25 Mitchells shown in action; while returning their pilots are told not to land at their usual airfields. Film of wrecked Mitchells etc. on airfield in Belgium/Holland sector following German attack. RAF Spitfires retaliate - good footage of dogfights with Me 109s. Messerschmitts crash into the snow; a German pilot bails out; one is shot down over a town; another crash-lands near a tramway. Shots of wrecked aircraft and dead pilots. The "battle of New Year's Day" is a reminder of the dangers of relaxing while the German "tiger" is still active.Video Provided & Authorized by Imperial War Museum. All rights reserved.

Yves Duwelz

Vidéo : "Falaise Pocket, 1944 Normandy, France, Canadian Air reconnaissance"

A very interesting 1944 video about the Falaise Pocket and liberation of the North of France and Belgium explaining the role of Air power. Includes footage of 2nd TAF B-25 Mitchells. The last sequence shows Mitchells above Brussels 

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British Sherman tanks advance through an unidentified French town (includes footage of a RAF Signal Sherman tank equipped with radio equipment to call in aerial attacks by supporting Typhoons). Mustang camera gun footage of attacks on German rail and waterways. RAF Typhoon attacks in the Falaise valley (includes graphic footage of dead German soldiers and horses). The final sequence of the film looks towards the push into Germany, with footage of Boston bombers flying over a damaged city.

Yves Duwelz

Dispersals 08/2011 : 2nd Tactical Air Force Medium Bombers Association Newsletter


Many years ago, when our “Belgian B-25” saga started we joined the 2nd Tactical Air Force Medium Bombers Association, an organisation who grouped veterans of the B-25 crews of the RAF, their families and individuals interested in this subject. At this time the association published on paper a modest but already interesting newsletters : Dispersals. Many veteran associations are confronted with their members fading away for their last flight. In my opinion Dispersals succeed in keeping the link and the spirit alive. Coming from a modest 8 pages, the newsletters is now solid digital publication of more than 30 pages. Maybe more important Dispersals perpetuates the international aspect of the 2nd Tactical Air Force Medium Bombers Association.

We are proud to help and support this initiative.

I invite you you to discover the last edition of Dispersals, thanks to the 2nd Tactical Air Force Medium Bombers Association, David and his team.

We remember, we will not forget, we keep the spirit alive.  
Yves Duwelz