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La Tour D'air - Boncelles

A very nice Museum and an occasion to pay a visit to the place to be : Liège

B-25's during the Battle of the Bulge

The important role of the crews of the North American B-25 Mitchell of the Royal Air Force during the Battle of the Bulge is most of the time ignored. The Mitchell's boys smashed the German logistic centers during the battle. The flak was heavy.  Gaston Mertens was killed over Manderfeld on 1/13/1945. The missions were performed in awfully difficult circumstances but they did the job.   

Here are films where the RAF B-25's are show during these operations

Autour de Bastogne
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11 janv. 1945 929 vues 02min 00s
- Colonne de camions militaires américains sur une route aux environs de BASTOGNE - Panneau indicateur de cette ville à un croisement - Plusieurs plans du convoi - Escadrille d'avions alliés en vol - Divers plans du bombardement des environs de BASTOGNE par l'aviation alliée : chapelets de bombes, explosions au sol, bombardiers en vol - Plusieurs plans d'une escadrille d'avions de transport parachutant du matériel - Plusieurs plans des soldats américains échappés de BASTOGNE (lors de son encerclement par les allemands) marchant dispersés, puis posant, en groupe, le visage noirci à leur retour dans les lignes alliées.

My channel is a NON PROFIT channel dedicated to Remembrance of the WW2 allied soldier."RAF Warfront." 1 January 1945: B25 Mitchells shown in action; while returning their pilots are told not to land at their usual airfields. Film of wrecked Mitchells etc. on airfield in Belgium/Holland sector following German attack. RAF Spitfires retaliate - good footage of dogfights with Me 109s. Messerschmitts crash into the snow; a German pilot bails out; one is shot down over a town; another crash-lands near a tramway. Shots of wrecked aircraft and dead pilots. The "battle of New Year's Day" is a reminder of the dangers of relaxing while the German "tiger" is still active.Video Provided & Authorized by Imperial War Museum. All rights reserved.

Belgian Aviation Preservation Association (BAPA)

GAR Airshow Review – Shuttleworth LAA Party in the Park & Airshow

Kieran Lear posted: "15 June saw Old Warden aerodrome in deepest Bedfordshire stage the Light Aircraft Association (LAA) Day, bringing together a number of interesting visitors and Shuttleworth Collection stalwarts over the famous greenery of what was once the late Richard Sh"

New post on GAR

Airshow Review – Shuttleworth LAA Party in the Park & Airshow

by Kieran Lear
15 June saw Old Warden aerodrome in deepest Bedfordshire stage the Light Aircraft Association (LAA) Day, bringing together a number of interesting visitors and Shuttleworth Collection stalwarts over the famous greenery of what was once the late Richard Shuttleworth's playground. Kieran Lear writes for GAR.