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Boeing B707 Is 60 Yrs Old

Forwarded message - From: Louis Nève 

Thx Louis for sharing

Boeing 707 is 60
Franklin Roosevelt called Dec 7, 1941 - a Day of Infamy.
July 15, 1954, was a Day of  Monumental Change.  Aviation change, that is.  World change.  Today is the Anniversary of that event - an event that changed the course of commercial aviation, the world, and certainly of the Boeing Airplane Company.

It is the 60th Anniversary of the First Flight of the 707 Prototype - the
Dash 80.  The product of a bunch of engineers who probably lived in Bellevue, Washington, wore wing-tipped shoes with argyle socks , white shirts with pocket protectors, and carried K & E slipsticks (slide rules.)  They produced a machine that - on a dozen levels - changed the world.
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