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Dear aviation enthusiast,
This week on SBAP web site:
Royal International Air Tattoo 2019
Back in the summer for a trip to the greatest European airshow held at RAF Fairford.
The international mention is really not usurped when you discover the incredible
amount of worldwide planes and helicopters offered to the photographers captor.
No need for long speeches, follow your favorite team through more than 350 pictures
chosen by each SBAP team photographer...Presented by: Serge Van Heertum
Pictures: Serge Van Heertum, Patrick Brouckaert, Anthony Graulus, Bruno Ghils,
Philippe Decock & Jacques Vincent
Much more to come...Stay tuned…
This week on SBAP web site:
Royal International Air Tattoo 2019
Back in the summer for a trip to the greatest European airshow held at RAF Fairford.
The international mention is really not usurped when you discover the incredible
amount of worldwide planes and helicopters offered to the photographers captor.
No need for long speeches, follow your favorite team through more than 350 pictures
chosen by each SBAP team photographer...Presented by: Serge Van Heertum
Pictures: Serge Van Heertum, Patrick Brouckaert, Anthony Graulus, Bruno Ghils,
Philippe Decock & Jacques Vincent
Much more to come...Stay tuned…
Be so kind to share our links with all your interested friends...Enjoy your visit
The SBAP team