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Showing posts with label Airbus A-400 M. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Airbus A-400 M. Show all posts


Laurent Heyligen a publié dans Pilotes et fans du 15 ème Wing Belgian Air force

Yves, consultez ce qu'il a publié.
Laurent Heyligen a publié dans Pilotes et fans du 15 ème Wing Belgian Air force
11 novembre, 13:57
LH Aviation Photography
11 novembre, 13:48
Yesterday, November 10th, 2021 the 5th Airbus A400M… Voir plus
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[À l'Avant-Garde] Le 15 Wing réceptionne son cinquième A400M


Airbus A400 M arrival at Brussels airport

Yesterday, we lived an historic moment at Brussels Airport. The first Airbus A400M landed to join 15 Wing. In these difficult days, The Belgian Air Force offered to many Belgians a reason to trust in the future. It was amazing moments for many reasons.

  • A small country (Luxembourg) showed he can make great things in aviation.
  • Together with Luxembourg, Belgium showed working together is more profitable to everybody than division.
  • Europe can succeed

But for me, the most evident was on the ground.

  • Kids from schools there to see one of our common flagship. Hoping some of them will choose a successfull career in aviation.
  • Young, old, Flemish or French speaking peoples together to say in the future “I was there”
  • All the audience respecting the social distances.  

You will find much better pictures on Belgian Wings and elsewhere from many friends. 

For myself, I applied what one of my friends says “sometime you need to stop shooting and just look” (and I had the right camera to capture the moment on the ground).

Thank you to all the peoples who made possible these emotional moments.


[][Belgian Air Force][Pictures & Report] Laying of foundation stone for new Airbus A400M hangar by Minister of Defence Philippe Goffin

[Belgian Air Force][Pictures & Report] Laying of foundation stone for new Airbus A400M hangar by Minister of Defence Philippe Goffin -
Laying of the foundation stone for new Airbus A400M hangar by Minister of Defence Philippe Goffin Text and pictures by Martin Gillet & Benoît Denet On Monday 24 August 2020, Brussels Military Airport (Melsbroek Air Base EBMB) welcomed Belgian Minis…
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[] Bouw onderhoudsloods A400M op schema / Le hangar A400M se construit selon les prévisions

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Bouw onderhoudsloods A400M op schema
Wie in Melsbroek langs de militaire luchthaven rijdt, heeft het al gezien: de infrastructuurwerken van de A400M-loods draaien op volle toeren. Ondanks de coronacrisis, liggen de werken voor de bouw van de onderhoudsloods goed op schema.
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Le hangar A400M se construit selon les prévisions
Quiconque passe devant l'aéroport militaire de Melsbroek a déjà constaté que les travaux d'infrastructure du hangar A400M tournent à plein régime. Malgré la crise de la Covid-19, la construction de ce hangar de maintenance se déroule suivant le cal…
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[Aerobuzz] Nouvelle capacité largage certifiée pour l'A400M

Nouvelle capacité largage certifiée pour l'A400M

L'Airbus A400M, a obtenu la certification pour le déploiement simultané de parachutistes. Il termine ainsi le développement industriel de la capacité de largage maximale de 116 parachutistes par les deux portes latérales (58 + 58).
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