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Showing posts with label Florennes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florennes. Show all posts


Belgian Defence : Brullende motoren en flitsende camera’s / Flashes et rugissements | Belgian Defence

Message transféré - De : Philippe levecq
Le jeudi 15 juin, les spotters s'en donnaient à cœur joie sur la base aérienne de Florennes. Ils pouvaient assister aux nombreux décollages et atterrissages des avions participant à l'exercice Tactical Weapon Meet 2017.


Lu sur 7s7: Les F-16 belges exécutent leur 1e intervention QRA

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Les F-16 belges exécutent leur 1e intervention QRA

Deux chasseurs F-16 de la base de Florennes ont intercepté mardi matin un avion cargo en panne de radio et l'ont escorté au dessus des Pays-Bas et de la Belgique avant de le confier aux autorités britanniques, ce qui représente la première ...
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Lu sur 7s7: Un accident insolite entre un camion et un avion à Florennes

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Un accident insolite entre un camion et un avion à Florennes

Un camion a percuté un rond-point à Vodecée, non loin de la base militaire de Florennes. Le poids lourd est entré en collision avec... un avion qui trône au beau milieu. Cela donne des images plutôt insolites. Comme le relate RTL, on ne connaît ...
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Flickr album Florennes Belgian Air Force Days 25 07 2016

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From: Yves Duwelz via Flickr <>
Date: 3 July 2016 at 19:26
Subject: [Flickr] Yves Duwelz shared his Flickr album with you.

Yves Duwelz shared his Flickr album with you.

Florennes Belgian Air Force Days 25 07 2016

An album by Yves Duwelz
Filename with extens.: Florennes Belgian Air Force days 2016 -  y duwelz 2016 06 25 IMG_0525.JPG Filename with extens.: Florennes Belgian Air Force days 2016 -  y duwelz 2016 06 25 IMG_0533.JPG Filename with extens.: Florennes Belgian Air Force days 2016 -  y duwelz 2016 06 25 IMG_0533.JPG
Filename with extens.: Florennes Belgian Air Force days 2016 -  y duwelz 2016 06 25 IMG_0470.JPG Filename with extens.: Florennes Belgian Air Force days 2016 -  y duwelz 2016 06 25 IMG_0473.JPG
Filename with extens.: Florennes Belgian Air Force days 2016 -  y duwelz 2016 06 25 IMG_0476.JPG Filename with extens.: Florennes Belgian Air Force days 2016 -  y duwelz 2016 06 25 IMG_0503.JPG
Filename with extens.: Florennes Belgian Air Force days 2016 -  y duwelz 2016 06 25 IMG_0547.JPG Filename with extens.: Florennes Belgian Air Force days 2016 -  y duwelz 2016 06 25 IMG_0555.JPG


Video: "Belgian Air Force FA-121 taxi and shutdown at Florennes AB (EBFS)"


Belgian Air Force F-16AM (FA-121) of 1 Squadron "Stingers" taxis back and shutdown after a local sortie at Florennes AB (EBFS). Thanks to Herts Aviation Society (...

©2016 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066


Video : 430th FS "Back Door Gang" P-38 Lightnings in action over Germany - Color, 1945

Thx Louis !
Forwarded message - From: Louis Nève

Florennes Air Base  1945

From: Jean schoefs

Subject: 430th FS "Back Door Gang" P-38 Lightnings in action over Germany - Color, 1945

Newly discovered color film of the 430th FS, 474th FG, 9th Air Force. From the get go, the 474th was configured as a ground attack unit, but they also provided bomber escort and level bombing, led by Norden bomb sight equipped "Droop Snoots," which are shown here.
One of three P-38 squadrons in the 474th, the 430th's call sign was "Back Door," and its planes and pilots are featured in the film in the Spring of 1945 at their base in Florennes (A-78 Florennes / Juzaine, Belgium) a former Luftwaffe night fighter base.
Rough field operations caused difficult working conditions for 9th Air Force maintenance personnel. Here a crew prepares to use an external heater to warm a P-38 Lightning's  port engine so it can be started while an armorer works on the guns. - Florennes, Belgium Feb. 1945.

Two 9th Air Force camera men adjust 35mm motion picture cameras to the wings of a Lockheed P-38 fighter-bomber at Florennes air base. The cameras, specially constructed for the purpose, are used to obtain film footage for technical training, historical records and newsreels. - 1st Lt. James Bray (R) of NYC,  a former newsreel cameraman, shot down two ME-109's during a photographic mission in Africa.  On the left, is Cpl. Verl Luzens, of Bredford, Ohio.

Lockheed P-38 fighter-bombers, taxiing out for take-off on a dive-bombing mission. This specific mission was an armed reconnaissance on tank and motor transport of the "von Runstedt's"offensive, which at this time was within only 15 miles from this airfield. (Florennes Air Base)

That mud played no favorite is quite apparent from this photo of a Lockheed P-38 Lighting Fighter-bomber being towed out  after its landing gear bogged down in overshooting the runway in Florennes.

9th Air Force maintenance men overhaul a Lockheed P-38 Lighting fighter –bomber at Florennes airfield . Working around the clock, often in the rain and cold, the ground crewmen keep serviceable the planes that are eliminating or neutralizing enemy fortification and strong points impending the advance of U.S. ground troops.

P-38 Lightning Refueling. Note the B-26 Marauder in the background.

P-38s of the 370th Fighter Group - Florennes

When the group arrived, the expected to receive P-47 Thunderbolts on which they had trained stateside. However, much to the amazement of the Group Commander, Col. Howard F. Nichols, the 370th FG was informed by IX Fighter Command that they would be equipped with the Lockheed P-38 Lightning, a few of which had already arrived during the 18 days the group was in residence at Aldermaston. The latter base proved to be only a temporary stationing, as it was required for troop carrier operations; the 370th soon moved to RAF Andover. - Moved to Florennes 26th Sep.1944  till 27th Jan. 1945

Florennes  422nd  Night Fighter Sqdn.  -  16 Sep '44 to 6 Apr '45
P-61 Black Widow night fighter at the end of World War II. - From the 422nd NFS operating out of Florennes,  an up close look at P-61 "Lady GEN."

By December 1944, P-61s of the 422nd and 425th NFS were helping to repel the German offensive known as the 'Battle of the Bulge', with two flying cover over the town of Bastogne. Pilots of the 422nd and 425th NFS switched their tactics from night fighting to daylight ground attack, strafing German supply lines and railroads. The P-61's four 20 mm cannons proved highly effective in destroying large numbers of German locomotives and trucks. - By early 1945, German aircraft were rarely seen and most P-61 night kills were Ju 52s attempting to evacuate German officers under the cover of darkness.

The 422nd NFS produced three ace pilots and two radar operators, while the 425th NFS officially claimed none. Lt. Cletus "Tommy" Ormsby of the 425th NFS was officially credited with three victories. Ormsby was killed by friendly fire moments after attacking two Junkers Ju 87s on the night of 24 March 1945. His radar operator escaped with serious injuries, and was saved only by the quick actions of German surgeons. He later reported that they had successfully engaged and shot down both Ju 87s before being shot down themselves. This claim was corroborated by other 425th aircrew who were operating in the area at the time. To this day, many members of the 425th question why Lt. Ormsby was never credited with his final two kills, and "ace" status.

Florennes airfield


Book : Florennes Raum Sieben 1942-1944

​Merci Jean-Louis,

Sous ce titre un peu sibyllin se cache un ouvrage de base totalement inédit : la chronique du champ d'aviation 

belge de Florennes, aérodrome créé de toutes pièces par l'occupant allemand en 1942. L'auteur décrit comment 

cette 'Flugplatz' fut nécessaire pour la Luftwaffe en permettant de combler une brèche existant dans le système 

défensif de la Nachtjagd. Le I./NJG 4 (basé précédemment à Laon) est alors affecté à Florennes. Mené par le 

compétent et réputé Hptm Wilhelm Herget, ses pilotes vont remporter d'importants succès dans ce nouveau 

secteur 7 (Raum Sieben). Un grand nombre de bombardiers de la RAF mais également de l'USAAF sera 

abattu non seulement sur le sud de la Belgique mais également sur le nord de la France, cette région ayant été 

administrativement rattachée à la Belgique (Belgien-Nordfrankreich). L'auteur, qui a interviewé pendant quelque 

trente années des dizaines de témoins - dont un grand nombre d'aviateurs des deux camps (aujourd'hui disparus) 

- fournit détails précis et récits très vivants. Le I./NJG 4 demeurera jusqu'en septembre 1944 à Florennes avant 

d'évacuer vers le Reich. L'ouvrage est illustré par plus de six cents photos la plupart totalement inconnues. Les 

annexes sont largement détaillées avec les listes exhaustives des pertes et des victoires ainsi que des équipages 

des deux camps.

Ce livre de 470 pages peut être acquis au prix de 30 euros auprès de l'auteur (Roland Charlier, Rue ND de Foy, 

10 à B 5620 Florennes (Belgique) -


Video: "Northrop P-61 Black Widow Night Fighters in Color -1945" Florennes

Received from Jean-Luc

Very rare color P-61 night fighter footage shot at the end of World War II. This is an original documentary I put together from unedited, silent archival film. See the 422nd NFS operating out of Florennes, Belgium, where you'll get an up close look at P-61 "No Nothin II." Then you'll move on to the Pacific and the island of Saipan, where you'll see legendary 548th NFS P-61 "Bat Outta Hells." One the highlights of this program is P-61 gun camera film showing a night attack with bombs, rockets and 20mm cannon Get this video and two more plus a P-61 Pilot's manual on our P-61 DVD Visit our aviation DVD store at for the World's largest selection of World War 2 & vintage jet aircraft aviation videos Use coupon code "mustang" in your shopping cart to save an extra 15% off your first order!

Zeno, Zeno's Warbird Videos

©2014 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066


Video : "F16 and Spitfire / Belgian Air Force [Full HD]"

The show was so beautifull, I forgot to take pictures of this moment
Vidéo sur la démo solo display du F16 belge et du passage avec un Spitfire lors du meeting aérien à Florennes (Belgique) 22/23 et 25/06/2012.

©2014 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066


Picture Album Michel Feret Florennes - 24 juin 2012

Vous êtes invité à voir l'album photo de Michel Feret intitulé : Florennes - 24 juin 2012
Florennes - 24 juin 2012
24 juin 2012
de Michel Feret
Message de Michel Feret :
En ce temps de vacances , les visites de vacanciers s'enchainent .
Aujourd'hui il fait chaud ( 32° ) , et je prends le temps de vous envoyer
ces photos de Florennes prise par mon fils ainé par une météo déplorable
et très pluvieuse .
A +
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