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One More Bit of Aviation History

Thx Louis

Subject: One More Bit of Aviation History

Glenn Miller and the AAF Band at High Wycombe in England during 1944.


Captain Glenn Miller with his orchestra on the 29th July,1944 (Saturday), late afternoon attending a V-8 Bond Rally at Wycombe Abbey, High Wycombe, England.
General Jimmy Doolittle attending.

In 1942, Glenn Miller was at the peak of his career, performing in sold out concerts across the United States. His record albums were fast sellers. Nonetheless, it had been only two years since his swing band and unique sound had grown popular. As musical stars went, he was a new one, yet to take advantage of his fame and build a significant fortune. Then America entered World War II.

Ever a strong patriot, Glenn Miller tried to sign up. He appealed to the US Navy for a commission but was told he was too old. Using personal connections to get the ear of an Army General, Brigadier Charles Young, he managed to wrangle a commission and the opportunity to transform American military music. Assigned to the US Army Air Forces, Glenn Miller was soon at work, taking his unique sound by plane around the world. Yet within two years, Glenn Miller would die in the line of duty and — to this very day — he remains "Missing in Action".

Glenn Miller in uniform. Photo Credit: USAF Museum

Famous Songs and a New Sound
With his assignment to the USAAF, he build a new band and, taking the same strategy that had worked in civilian life, brought them practice relentlessly — to perfection.  He played many of his famous civilian songs such as Chatanooga Choo Choo, Moonlight Serenade, In the Mood, American Patrol, Pennsylvania 6-5000, and A String of Pearls — this time not for adoring civilian fans but rather for American airmen and ground crew members in a series of small concerts at the unit level.  He began making tours of bases, playing to Bomb Groups and Fighter Groups, among others, sometimes even in small hangar concerts and dances.

This drum, painted with the Army Air Force's insignia, belonged to Sgt. Ray McKinley, a member of Maj. Glenn Miller's Army Air Force Band during World War II. Photo Credit: USAF Museum
To his popular songs from the pre-war days, he added new songs as well, including some written while he was awaiting word on his failed application to the Navy and during the period he was petitioning the Army for the opportunity to assist in the war effort. 

These songs included, I've Got a Gal from Kalamazoo, At Last, Seven-O-Five, Boom Shot, Morning Mood and others.  As well, he wrote many songs that were specifically for the Army Air Force Band, such as I Sustain the Wings, The Technical Training Command, SHAEF Presents, Passage Interdit, Snafu Jump, Flying Home, Going Home, Enlisted Men's Mess, and Jeep Jockey Jump.   Many of these later songs are not as widely known as his pre-war hits, even if they are every bit as lively and brilliant in their harmony.

A UC-64 Norseman, the type of aircraft in which Glenn Miller flew his final flight.
Photo Credit: USAF Museum

The Mystery of Glenn Miller's Disappearance
On December 15, 1944 — today in aviation history — just a little more than two years after joining the Army and setting up the Army Air Force Band, Glenn Miller climbed on board a UC-64 Norseman (s/n 44-70285) and departed RAF Twinwood Farm, near Bedford, England, for a trip across the English Channel to France — in fact, he was flying to what was then called USAAF Station A-42 — more properly, it was one of France's most famous airfields, at Villacoublay (Versailles). 

It was supposed to be yet another flight to yet another venue for another performance for the troops — this one was special, however, as his band was going to perform its first of a series of concerts to celebrate the liberation of Paris.

Sadly, Glenn Miller never arrived in France.  What happened to him remains a mystery to this day.  There are four main theories — two seem likely, one is possible but not probable, and the last is completely outrageous.

Theory 1
This first theory is straightforward — while flying across the English Channel at low altitude, his pilot strayed into a designated zone in the midst of the Channel where bombers returned from aborted raids on Germany would salvo their bombs into empty waters (it was too difficult and dangerous to land a bomber with a full bomb load).  By the account of one RAF navigator on board a returning Lancaster bomber from an aborted night mission targeting Siegen, Germany, a group of Lancasters (138 in number) salvoed full loads of incendiaries.  Looking down, he saw a small UC-64 Norseman below.  Before he could call out a warning, he saw the plane go down in a shower of water, apparently hit or downed by the bomb splashes.

A UC-64 Norseman during World War II. Photo Credit: USAF Museum

Theory 2 (unlikely)
The second theory is equally plausible — Glenn Miller accepted a seat on a Colonel's UC-64 Norseman for a flight to Paris.  Anxious to rejoin the band in France, Miller elected to fly across.  The Norseman's pilot, however, was fairly inexperienced and, records show, he had been denied flight clearance the day before since he was approved only for "local" flying.  Additionally, it later was uncovered that the plane's carburetor deicing bypass valve had been removed for maintenance.  In the morning as they prepared, a cold fog moved in across the Channel and southern England.  The pilot elected to make the flight anyway — en route, suffering from carburetor icing in the moisture-laden air, as the theory goes, without carburetor deicing, the carburetor fouled and the ice build-up eventually cut fuel flow to the engine.  A crash into the cold December waters of the English Channel would mean that any survivors, if not in a raft, would have perished within 20 minutes from hypothermia.  Why no final Mayday call was made is a bit of a mystery, however.

Copy of the original message that conveyed the report of Miller's aircraft being missing.

Theory 3
The third theory is interesting but also quite unlikely.  It was related by a anti-aircraft artillery gunner named Clarence B. Wolfe, claims that his unit, Battery D, 134th AAA Battalion, US Army, shot down Glenn Miller's plane in an accidental friendly fire incident near Folkestone, England.  The problem with Clarence Wolfe's claim is that his own records claim that his unit shot down Miller in September 1944 — yet it is absolutely certain that Miller was alive afterward, since he played several other concerts.

The liberation of Paris in 1944 — American troops march down the Avenue des Champs-Élysées. Photo Credit: Voice of America

Theory 4
Finally, the fourth and last theory is simply outrageous. - In this recounting, Glenn Miller arrived in Paris after all, but died of a heart attack while visiting a Parisian bordello (Miller was married and his wife was awaiting him in the USA).  As this story goes, the Army then covered up the death due to its unfortunate circumstances.  They fabricated his disappearance so as to preserve his fine service record and reputation as well as to keep his memory in a positive light.  This claim was outlined by a German journalist named Udo Ulfkotte, who bases his story on a series of Freedom of Information Act Requests that he states provide complete details of the real story, the cover up and the subsequent Army propaganda campaign to celebrate Miller as a hero, even in death.

End Notes
There are scattered reports that his plane was recovered off the coast of France — true?  Frankly, it isn't clear.  At some point the plane's wreckage may well be found.  An interesting new tidbit did emerge, however, in January of this year — a 17 year old plane spotter recorded a UC-64 Norseman going overhead his area that day.  It was likely the plane with Glenn Miller on board.  Notably, it showed him to be on time and not deviating east toward the drop zone, which to some extent invalidates the bombing theory as an explanation of his loss.  Maybe it really was icing and inexperience after all?

By all accounts, Glenn Miller loved his time in the Army.  It is interesting to note that in all, he was a superstar swing jazz musician for just five years before his untimely death — two of those were in uniform.  To this date, his legacy remains strong — even if Glenn Miller is still listed officially as "Missing in Action".

Video All you wanted to know about flying a USMC A-4 SKYHAWK

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Via J-Luc

Merry christmas and happy new year

Aircraft restoration : un Siko en vol

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Shall we see soon a Sikorsky S-58 back in flight in France ?

Civil Aviation - Air Journal - Tout sur le transport aérien - Ryanair : deux nouveautés à Charleroi

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Air Journal - Tout sur le transport aérien

Posted: 17 Dec 2012 01:00 AM PST
La compagnie aérienne low cost Ryanair lancera au printemps prochain deux nouvelles liaisons saisonnières à Bruxelles – Charleroi, vers Rijeka en Croatie et Zakynthos en Grèce. A partir du 1er avril 2012, la spécialiste irlandaise du vol pas cher proposera …
Ryanair : deux nouveautés à Charleroi is a post from: Air Journal

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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Promotional clip for the 2013 Flying Legends Air Show

Next Flying Legends Airshow at Duxford (U.K.) on 13 & 14  July 2013 


Belgian-Wings Update: 17 December 212

Best regards,

Daniel Brackx

Chris Hadfield to make his 3re Spaceflight

hadfield.jpgWe wish Chris Hadfield good luck with his 3re Spaceflight.
Chris was a canadian Air Cadet, and learned flying with his father's (Roger Hadfield) SV-4B V16 registered in Canada as C-GOMD.
When he has the possibility he stills flies the SV-4B.
It will be nice to know an SV-4B pilot will fly in the ISS for some time.
Chris will lift off at Baikonour on Wednesday 19/12 at 12.12 UTC together with his fellow cosmonauts Romanenko (Russ) and Marshburn (US).

Thx, Dirk

Mil.Be Belgian Army parachute team silver medal in Dubai world championship

Uit de lucht, op het kabinet

Uit de lucht, op het kabinet
Minister van Defensie Pieter De Crem heeft op 14 december 2012 de militaire valschermploeg ontvangen op zijn kabinet. Het team behaalde begin deze maand zilver op het wereldkampioenschap formatiespringen in Dubai.
Foto's >>

 14/12/12 14:46:25
Du ciel au ministère
Le ministre de la Défense Pieter De Crem a accueilli l'équipe de parachutistes militaires, le 14 décembre 2012. Au début de ce mois, elle avait remporté une médaille d'argent au championnat du monde de sauts en formation à Dubaï.


BBC : Another Spifire returns to sky at RAF Coningsby

After an 11-year restoration, a Spitfire has taken to the sky over Lincolnshire.
Battle of Britain Memorial Flight chief technician Paul Blackah, Stuart Stephenson from the Lincolnshire Lancaster Association and Sqn Ldr Duncan Mason describe the achievement.

Soon daily flight by Qatar Airways to Brussels

Qatar Airways has decided increase its flight frequency to Brussels to one daily. For the moment this is only 5 times a week. This was announced by Akbar al Baker, CEO of the company during a meeting with Belgian foreign Minister Didier Reynders at Doha. No date was yet announced when the increased frequency will be introduced. Qatar Airways flies to Brussels since early 2011 and wants to increase its flights to what the company calls the "Capital of Europe". De Qataris are also interested in the expansion of an African network for which Reynders proposed a collaboration with Brussels Airways, which serves a large number of African destinations. Source: Belga

Best regards,


Aircraft restoration : Lettre du Moynet n° 5


Please find hereafter a link to the last "Lettre du Moynet as received from Christian Ravel

Many happy landings

Christian RAVEL
Responsable patrimoine
Musée Régional de l'Air
49140 Marcé

SBAP site update on 16-12-2012

Dear aviation enthusiast,
This week SBAP propose:
Events :

Who is "Grat"?
An interview of the current F-16 demo pilot
You will discover this really kind guy...
An exclusive interview presented by Serge Van Heertum

Archivalia :
Acrobobs: Belgian Air Force display team...the begin.
The first display team on Gloster Meteor F.8, an amount of pictures
discovered in a brocante...

Coming soon :
More Archivalia treasure...
Thanks for your support, enjoy your flight and always safe landing...
Don't forget to share our links with all your interested friends...

The SBAP team

Dispersals Interim Update DH Mosquito to Canada

Forwarded message From: Dave Poissant

Great news re the 2013 Hamilton Air Show; that 'restored in New Zealand' dH Mosquito we've all been reading about and drooling over will be there!

December 10, 2012
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum Newsletter


Jerry Yagen (Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach) and Dave Rohrer (Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum) are planning for Jerry Yagen's newly restored de Havilland Mosquito to attend the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum's 2013 Hamilton Airshow on June 15 & 16!  (Photo: Gavin Conroy)

The Mosquito's appearance at the Hamilton Airshow will be the first appearance of this historic aircraft in Canada and it is planned to be part of a special formation flight that will include the Lancas ter, Spitfire & Hurricane - an aircraft formation and sight that hasn't been seen in the skies over Hamilton since 1990 as photographed by Rick Radell.
The rare Mosquito will definitely be the star of the vintage aircraft line-up that will include many rare and unique machines that will be announced in March.

Please note that the Mosquito will be arriving early to be the subject of a special featured event at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum on Friday June 14th that will include discussions with several former Mosquito pilots including George Stewart (pictured) who was recently honoured sharing his knowledge and experience to a new generation of Mosquito pilots in New Zealand.  Details of this event will be announced closer to the Airshow. The Mosquito will be departing Hamilton on Sunday June 16th at about 10:00 am to appear at a special commitment in Washington D.C.

General Admission, Ramp Pass, Photo Pass & Flightline Club

Tickets are now available online or at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum.  Last year, the Photo Pass and Flightline Club sold out for the Saturday well in advance of the show.  Don't wait and be disappointed.  Tickets make great Christmas gifts!


The Beech 18 was never designed for aerobatic flight.  However, that doesn't make it incapable of doing just that. Matt Younkin's  performance begins with a roll on take off followed by a series of Cuban eights, point-rolls and even a loop.  Matt performed for the first time ever in Canada at the 2012 Hamilton Airshow and some people say his performance stole the show.  We are pleased to welcome Matt Younkin and his Beech 18 back to the Hamilton Airshow.


While not a noisy, fast or as modern as some of the other aerobatic teams out there, the Royal Canadian Air Force Snowbirds always put on a first class performance that is second to none!  The Snowbirds demonstrate the high level of professionalism, teamwork, excellence, discipline and dedication inherent in the women and men of the Royal Canadian Air Force.  The Snowbirds have flown the CT-114 Tutor jet since 1971. The aircraft was designed and built in Canada and is used by the RCAF as its basic pilot training aircraft. The jets are painted in a distinctive red and white paint scheme symbolic of Canada's national flag. As members of the nation's military, the Snowbirds are proud to fly Canada's colours across North America.

Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum
9280 Airport Rd.
Mount Hope, Ontario, Canada L0R 1W0
Tel 905-679-4183   Fax 905-679-4186

See Dispersals on

Young "Red Devils" meet Old "Red Devil" Hawker Hunter

The "Red Devils" demonstration team of the Belgian Air Force were guest of honour on the annual "Sierra Bravo" (SBAP website) meeting in the Aeronautical Dept. of the Royal Army Museum at Brussels. They were giving the opportunity to inspect the mount of their forefather Red Devils; the Hawker Hunter. Click the pic to discover more on Belgian Wings.  

Best regards,

Daniel Brackx


Belgian Wings' Scale Model News: X Resin 1/48 Fokker F VII 3m coming soon

Belgian Wings' Scale Model News: X Resin 1/48 Fokker F VII 3m coming soon: Once the workhorse of the Sabena, the Fokker F VII 3M was also used by the Belgian air arm. A 1/48th model is announced, the first one of...

Video: "Koksijde Int.Airshow 2011 DC-3 & C-130 Flypass"

Koksijde International Airshow 6 & 7 July 2011 , Belgium.

Dakota DC-3 and a C-130 Hercules (FR)

©2012 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

Le Soir : Video : L'aide au secteur aérien belge bloquée?

Description : Le plan d'aide au secteur aérien belge susceptible d'être bloqué par la Commission européenne. Mediafin, qui a révélé l'information, précise qu'une lettre a été envoyée dans ce sens aux autorités belges.
Adresse de la vidéo : 


Aerobuzz : L’A400M franchit la dernière étape avant sa certification

publié le lundi 10 décembre 2012
par Rédaction

L’A400M d’Airbus Military achève la phase critique d’essais en vol. Le futur avion de transport militaire européen est en bonne voie pour la certification complète au premier trimestre 2013 et la première livraison, au deuxième.

Lire la suite 

Aerobuzz : Un Sikorsky H-19 pour les Ailes anciennes de Toulouse

JPEG - 30.6 ko

L'arrivée du Sikorsky H-19 sur le chantier d'Aeroscopia
Le 24 novembre 2012, une nouvelle pièce a été ajoutée à la collection des Ailes Anciennes Toulouse :
Lire la suite :

Aerobuzz : Espace Aéro Lyon-Corbas ouvert au public

Espace Aéro Lyon-Corbas ouvert au public

JPEG - 44.2 ko
JPEG - 44.4 ko
A partir du 1er décembre 2012, l'impressionnante collection d'avions d'arme français rassemblée sur l'aérodrome de Corbas, au sud de Lyon, par Bernard Trible sera désormais ouverte au public. Dans un premier temps, 18 machines sont présentées à l'intérieur des anciens hangars de l'ALAT, sur une surface couverte de 2 600 m2. Seul le Nord 262 est à l'extérieur.

Lire la suite

Vintage Wings Roundel Roundup

Forwarded message From: Vintage Wings

Ladies and Gentlemen Aviators

What do Napoleonic soldiers have in common with Spitire aces of the Second World War and hockey stars on the Canadian Prairie? Follow this link to find out -

Video A400M Aerial Delivery Tests

Thx Jacques for sharing
A400M Aerial Delivery Tests from Pat Foch on Vimeo.


Belgian Wings on Facebook : join !

Daniel created a group on facebook
After 2 days of existence, this is already a success story

Video : Seaking Mk.48 RS05 flight onboard above Kleine Brogel airbase at snow

Belgian Wings' Scale Model News - The "16° Escadron" shop is on the move

Here are the latest updates for

  1. The "16° Escadron" shop is on the move
  2. More Recent Articles
  3. Search Belgian Wings' Scale Model News

The "16° Escadron" shop is on the move



Video S-61 Sea King Rotor Head Animation

S-61 Sea King Helicopter Rotor Head Animation;Made by Karel Kinable "Fozzy" 40 Sqn Koksijde Airbase Belgian Air Force;4 different camera views; Airframe;Education

PLAYLIST  by Roberto Martinez

©2012 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

2012 12 23 Lierde Herdenking van lancaster DX-P Belgian Wings Research Centre Events Calendar

Thx Dirk and the Wings of Memory Team ,


Government support for Brussels Airlines

Belgium's socialist-led government has decided to release 20 million euros in support for the country's troubled aviation sector. Belgian flag carrier Brussels Airlines, a subsidiary of German's Lufthansa, has been in financial straits for a while. Operators Jetairfly and Thomas Cook Airlines will also be able to benefit from the government aid package.
Mobility Secretary Melchior Wathelet (Francophone Christian democrat) had drawn up a plan that would envisage 30 million euros worth of support for the Belgian aviation sector. The aid would partly be given in the form of tax cuts for airline companies.
Belgium's Inner Cabinet decided that only 20 million could be afforded. The aid package includes help with staff training.
The government says it's acknowledging that Belgian companies experience unfair competition from carriers like Ryanair that are based overseas in countries where airline operators enjoy a more beneficial tax regime.
Economy Minister Johan Vande Lanotte (Flemish socialist): "We're giving support ahead of European measures. The EU says that a level playing field should be created in aviation within a decade. In anticipation of this I think it's a good idea to provide Belgian support."

Daniel Brackx