We announced some months ago the publication of this book about the P-47 group once based in Chièvres and very active above Belgium.
Some of our friends helped the author.
Daniel Leleu from the Musée International de la Base de Chièvres (www.mibac.be) recently received his copy.
Here are his enthusiastic comments
Hello Don,
We do not know each other, but we have a common friend : Philippe
Save. I have been warned of the output of your book about the 365th FG.
I immediately bough it.
I'm Head of Board and Chairman of Chièvres Air Base International Museum (MIBAC –
www.mibac.be) In 1944, Chièvres was A-84 US AFB.
We are therefore very involded in the history of that airfield. Knowing that a new book deals with a
little bit of it a great pleasure for all of us.
I therefore read the book (not already completely), my first impression is : what a beautiful book !
Especially the illustrations and aircrafts profiles.
It is a whole page of history that scrolls under my eyes.
I have not yet read the whole, as I said, my English is a bit perfectible (I do the practice more 40
years), but I already must confess I love this book.
Thank you for this marvelous Edition. Thanks for the memory of all those who came from their
home town, liberated us and, alas, died in this small part of Belgium.
We will never forget; our Museum is the example of duty of remembrance.
Thank you so much for such a book.
Deeply friendly yours.
Daniel LELEU
Director MIBAC
If you want to order a copy of the book, be patient a few days as we try to see if it is possible to have some copies available at the next Florennes Airshow.
Here more about the book : http://barracudacals.com/proddetail.php?prod=BGSB019&cat=9