Bonsoir Yves,
Voudrais-tu publier dans ton prochain magazine, la sortie de l' AIR-INFO 1 (Aerodromes & Communications) Belgium & Luxemburg
29e édition depuis 1993.
Le seul guide privé belge publié depuis bientôt 30 ans et qui donne des informations nécessaires aux pilotes qui volent sur le territoire belge.
This little pocket book published for 29 years contains regular updated important flight information and particular procedures concerning Belgian civil and military airports, airfields, airstrips, heliports, helistrips and medical platforms.
It is a little structured and useful source of info which is daily used by pilots (aircrafts, helicopters, gliders, ULM, drones) to prepare or to manage a flight.
ex : Civil & Military Frequencies (APP/TWR/GND/HOMER/SOS/ATIS/METEO/ILS…) – Tel numbers to get PPR clearances - Contact numbers to submit or close flight plans – Aerodromes facilities & Operational hours … and many others.
To order : send an e-mail to ( or contact Michel Dillien +32 (0)475 950 822.
Price is 25 €/copy + 3€ (Postage). (Don't forget to indicate your delivery address).
Merci pour ton aide