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Showing posts with label NH90. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NH90. Show all posts


[] NH90 helicopter gets major software upgrade to stay relevant

NH90 helicopter gets major software upgrade to stay relevant
A €600 million programme to significantly upgrade the capabilities of the NH90 military helicopter was launched today. NATO members Belgium, Germany,
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[] Transition de la Défense : mesures concernant le NH-90 version TTH et le B-Hunter | Belgian Defence

Forwarded message - De : Philippe levecq

Transition de la Défense : mesures concernant le NH-90 version TTH et le B-Hunter
Aujourd'hui, notre organisation est en profonde mutation et nous sommes confrontés à un défi extraordinaire dans le domaine des ressources humaines. Dans ce contexte, il a été décidé de réduire le plan de vol de la version NH-90 TTH (Troop Transpor…
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Transitie van Defensie: maatregelen voor de NH-90 TTH-variant en de B-Hunter
Vandaag kent onze organisatie een diepgaande transformatie en staan we voor een buitengewone uitdaging in het domein van personeelszaken. In dit kader werd beslist het vluchtplan NH-90 TTH-versie (Troop Transport Helikopter) te verminderen en de ca…
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Yves Duwelz

Sharing is the key
News about Aviation in Belgium and related subjects focusing on restoration and historic subjects.
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[European Space Agency] NH90 Volunteer ‘saved’ from North Sea in live Galileo rescue test

Forwarded message -De : European Space Agency

04-10-2019 02:10 PM CEST

Europe's Galileo constellation is doing more than providing global navigation services, it is also saving lives. As a real life demonstration of Galileo's search and rescue capability, a volunteer was cast away in a lifeboat off the Belgian coast, then activated an emergency beacon for rescue.


Photo Album Beauvechain Air Day 2019 04 10 Agusta A 109 NH90

1st part of my pictures of the very successfull event in Beauvechain 

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[] Le NATO Frigate Helicopter presque opérationnel

Le NATO Frigate Helicopter presque opérationnel
Depuis mars 2017, la Composante Air dispose de toute sa flotte NFH « Caiman » (NATO Frigate Helicopter). Le NFH est l'hélicoptère standard embarqué destiné aux frégates M de la marine belge. Il apporte une plus-value inestimable dans presque toutes…
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[Belgian Wings] Low level training flight over the Ardennes in...

A Marvel !
Daniel Brackx
Daniel Brackx19 mars 14:47
Low level training flight over the Ardennes in NH90 TTH RN-07 on 17 February 2016.
Low level flight over the Ardennes in NH90 TTH RN-07 on 17 Feb...
Low-level training flight over the Ardennes in NH90 TTH RN-07 seen from the cockpit