This week on SBAP web site:
Antwerpen-Deurne Liberation Airshow
75 years ago the city and mostly the harbour of Antwerpen was liberated by
the allied forces.It was a unique occasion to plan festivities in the city
and an airshow at the airport of Deurne. All the demontration were done
between the normal commercial trafic. It was a place to be, so just follow usPresented by: Serge Van Heertum
Pictures: Serge Van Heertum & Pierre Taquet 2019/029deurneshow2019/ 029deurneshow2019.htm
French National Day
A part of the aircraft devoted to the fly pass above the French Capital Paris
departed from Evreux air base in Normandy. This year, not only French aircraft
did the mission, but also English, Spanish, German and Belgian aircraft took
part of the event to underline the way to an European defense.Presented by: Serge Van Heertum
Pictures: Jacques Vincent 2019/028natdayevreux2019/ 028natdayevreux2019.htm
Much more to come...Stay tuned…
Antwerpen-Deurne Liberation Airshow
75 years ago the city and mostly the harbour of Antwerpen was liberated by
the allied forces.It was a unique occasion to plan festivities in the city
and an airshow at the airport of Deurne. All the demontration were done
between the normal commercial trafic. It was a place to be, so just follow usPresented by: Serge Van Heertum
Pictures: Serge Van Heertum & Pierre Taquet
French National Day
A part of the aircraft devoted to the fly pass above the French Capital Paris
departed from Evreux air base in Normandy. This year, not only French aircraft
did the mission, but also English, Spanish, German and Belgian aircraft took
part of the event to underline the way to an European defense.Presented by: Serge Van Heertum
Pictures: Jacques Vincent
Much more to come...Stay tuned…
Be so kind to share our links with all your interested friends...Enjoy your visit
The SBAP team
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