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Cargo tonnage declines 14.5% at Liege Airport

Liege Airport has announced it handled 576,664 metric tonnes of airfreight in 2012, a 14.5% decline compared to 674,469 metric tonnes handled in 2011. The airport attributed the decline to the “profound effect” the depressed economic environment has had on the airfreight sector. 

Source: TI 



Le Soir : C-130 pour le Mali

La Belgique prête à s'engager au Mali

Didier Zacharie
il y a 2 heures | mise à jour il y a 53 minutes

Le ministre des Affaires étrangères Didier Reynders a confirmé que la Belgique allait « fort probablement » s'engager dans le conflit au Mali avec l'envoi de deux C-130, d'un hélicoptère et de militaires pour des missions de formation.

Vliegtuigbewegingen Brussels Airport met 4,5 procent gedaald

Er zijn het voorbije jaar op luchthaven Brussels Airport 223.431 vliegtuigbewegingen geteld. Dat betekende een daling met bijna 4,5 procent tegenover het jaar voordien. Dat blijkt uit cijfers van luchtverkeersleider Belgocontrol. De luchthaven is daarmee teruggezakt tot het niveau van de eerste helft van de jaren negentig. Bij de eeuwwisseling werd een absolute piek van 325.979 vliegbewegingen opgetekend. Ondanks de daling blijkt het aantal passagiers vorig jaar toch met 1 procent te zijn gestegen tegenover het jaar voordien. Dat is het gevolg van een grotere capaciteit bij een aantal maatschappijen, die op grotere vliegtuigen zijn overgestapt. Uit de cijfers van Belgocontrol blijkt verder nog dat het voorbije jaar 14.648 nachtvluchten werden geteld. Dat betekent een status-quo tegenover het jaar voordien. Vier jaar geleden werd een maximumgrens van 16.000 nachtvluchten ingevoerd. Toen de Europese hub van DHL nog op Zaventem was gesitueerd, werden 25.100 nachtvluchten geteld. (MH)



Daniel Brackx

Vintage Wings of Canada : The Tweet Heard Round the World

Forwarded message From: Vintage Wings

Ladies and Gentlemen Aviators

The future Commander of the International Space Station opens a hailing frequency with a Commander of a spaceship in the distant future – the year 2265 - well, sort of. Follow this link to learn more:

If you wish to be added to or removed from our lists let us know.
Dave O'Malley, Vintage Wings of Canada

3 years already for !

Aviation books
Forwarded message From: Avialogs 

2013, three years already for Avialogs !

3 years already and so many projects to do ...
Our new website is already on-line and will be further updated in the following months.
There are still a few bugs and section headings to perfect, but all the contents are available. 6,500 documents and a thousand photos.

Whilst the work is done by three volunteers, the server hosting (1 main, 1 backup and 2 TB of hard disk space) isn't free.  A document scanner is also under construction but cannot be completed without funds (comprising two digital cameras and remote control software).  Purchasing new documents is also expensive and is currently done with personal funds.

This project has so far had quite some success, establishing links with several organisations in Canada, U SA and soon into Europe.

Today, only about 10% of the users support the project financially.  If you are one of this minority, then our sincere thanks to you for your help, which enables us to pay for the hostings services.

If you haven't yet become a subscribed member, the cost is $14 for 6 months. The address :

A subscription gives full access to all the downloadable areas of the site but enables us to acquire new documents and to guarantee the non-commercial character of Aviologs: No adverts and no third party use of any subscribers data.

Another way to help is to give us documents (books, technical papers or manuals etc).  Contact me directly if you want to know how to proceed in this case.  The only stipulation is that the documents should be at least 20 years old for technical manuals and 50 years old for books.

Many thanks for your help and your support,

Benoit de Mulder -

TV Show: RTBF : La Deux : 2012 01 15 : Flyboys

    Fly Boys
  • Fly Boys

    En 1917, alors que la Première Guerre mondiale fait rage, la mobilisation des aviations italienne et anglaise se fait moins forte et les forces... (suite)

Video: "Czech pilots in RAF service - part I"

Rare, original coloured movie from GB 1942/43, but this movie did not have an original sound. So, If you are boring repetitive sound, please switch music off. Movie is from 310(cz). squadron, 312(cz). squadron and 313(cz). sq. First picture with flags is from Exeter airfield. In cz. squadrons (1940/45) were also pilots from another nations: 46 british (Best: J.J. Jefferies-Latimer 6 victories), 18 jews (Best: O.Smik 10 victories), 3 canadians, 1 american, 1 irish, 1 polish pilot and 5-10% of slovakians (best J.K.Ambruš 2 victories). The best of czech, who fighted in czechoslovak squadrons was A.Vašátko 15 victories.

©2013 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066


Belgian Wings Website Update: 14 January 2013

Best regards,

Daniel Brackx

SBAP site update on 13-01-2013

Forwarded message From: Serge VAN HEERTUM

Dear aviation enthusiast,
This week on SBAP web site :

Archivalia : 
Belgian Air Force : 1st Wing, Early Starfighter Era
A pictorial overview of Beauvechain air base after
the arrival of the brand new Starfighter aircraft in 1964-1965
Thanks for your support, enjoy your flight and always safe landing...
Don't forget to share our links with all your interested friends...

The SBAP team

Dispersals Interim Notes


Many happy landings

TV Show : Canvas : 2012 01 17 17:07-18:00 eroep astronaut

Dankje Dirk

Forwarded message From: Dirk De Quick

Beroep - Astronaut

Beroep - Astronaut

canvas | Documentairereeks over onze twee Belgische astronauten, Frank De Winne en Dirk Frimout | donderdag, 17 januari 17u07 - 18u00
Aflevering 1.
We zien hoe Frank De Winne en zijn voorganger Dirk Frimout hun astronautendroom hebben waargemaakt. Voor De Winne wordt die droom bijna aan diggelen geslagen wanneer hij als gevechtspiloot twee keer motorpech krijgt met een F-16. Dankzij zijn vaardigheid en koelbloedigheid overleeft hij de twee incidenten. Dirk Frimout wordt, ondanks zijn uitstekende kwalificaties, geweigerd door ESA, maar uiteindelijk kan hij via de NASA toch aan zijn astronautenopleiding beginnen. Met verschillende getuigen en experts en met De Winne en Frimout zelf wordt het loodzware hindernissenparcours van de astronauten overlopen. We bekijken de trainingen tot de dag waarop Frimout en De Winne zich respectievelijk vastgespen in het ruimteveer Atlantis en de Sojoez TMA-1 voor hun eerste ruimtereis. Voor Frimout wordt dat vertrek een extra spannende ervaring. Tijdens zijn opleiding bij NASA is hij er in 1986 immers rechtstreeks getuige van hoe het ruimteveer Challenger 73 seconden na het opstijgen in de atmosfeer verbrandt. De zeven astronauten aan boord storten in hun cockpit 16 kilometer lager te pletter in de Atlantische Oceaan. Wanneer hij in 1992 met het ruimteveer Atlantis vertrekt, telt astronaut Frimout dan ook gespannen de seconden af.

Interesting site about RNZAF Airpseed Oxord

Video: "Behind Blue Eyes - The Who. WWII RAF Pilots Music video"

Thx Philippe for sharing

The footage as far as I am aware is free of all Copyright. It shows the life of RAF Pilots during WWII and how they did their jobs but also still managed to have fun.

©2013 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

Mehdi In my world : " I just did my job! "

Mehdi In my world

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 08:26 AM PST
Chers amis et passionnés de la R.A.F.,

Ce jeudi 10 janvier 2013, je reçois un message de André Bar, dont le titre est BOBBY. En l'ouvrant, j'y vois un lien menant vers un Blog. Le voici : 
Quelle merveilleuse découverte!!!!!! Yves Van den Brouck, originaire de Mechelen ( Malines, province d'Anvers ), en est l'administrateur. Passionné par l'Histoire et les avions, il s'est fixé comme but d'aller à la rencontre des personnes qui ont marquées l'histoire de l'aviation belge. Tout comme je l'ai fait en 2009, il est entré en contact avec Robert " Bobby " Laumans ( ancien élève - pilote de l'Aéronautique Militaire belge, pilote de Spitfire au sein des 74 " Tiger " et 350 " Belgian " Squadrons de la R.A.F., prisonnier de guerre au Stalag Luft III de Sagan en Silésie où il a travaillé à la " Grande Évasion " et pilote commercial au sein de la Sabena ).

En regardant les petites vidéos, j'étais rempli de joie! Mon ami Robert ( puisque je le tutoie depuis le mois de décembre 2012 ) est en pleine forme, installé dans son nouvel appartement. C'est un travail magnifique, très bien réalisé. J'ignore si Yves a eu accès à toutes les données concernant le vécu de Robert mais, de mon côté, j'en apprends un peu plus lors de chacune de nos rencontres.

Proficiat, félicitations, congratulations, mazel tov, Yves. You have done a bloody good show!


Former Belgian Air Force Harvard 'H-4' makes 1st flight after restauration

On November 9th, 2012 North American AT6C Harvard F-AZQR made its firtst flight from Angers after a 15 year long restauration in the hands of his owner Gilles Carter.
Once the testflights and the certification are done, the aircraft will leave Angers for its new home, La Rochelle.
F-AZQR was build for the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC) with registration 41-33633, but was transferred on paper to the Royal Air Force as EX660, in reality the aircraft was shipped directly to the South African Air Force who registered it 7309.
Between 1947 and 1959 the aircraft flew with the Belgian Air Force with registeration H4.  On June 25th, 1959 it was bought by Air France for its flying school and flew it until 1964 bearing the registration F-BJBC.
Air France sold the aircraft to the Société anonyme des avions Meyer and to Air Cameroun, which kept the aircraft until 1971.  Then the aircraft passed into private hands until it disappeared from the civil register in 1977.
The wreck returned to France in the mid of the eighties via Saint-Rambert-d'Albon.
Gilles Carter bought the aircraft in 1990 and started a few years the restauration in the buildings of the Musée Régional de l'Air d'Angers, helped by his friend Camille Millon.  15 years later, their perseverance has paid off..
Source : Fana de l'Aviation - January 2013.
Kind regards,
Laurent Heyligen


Video: "How to Fly the North American B-25 "Mitchell" Medium Bomber (1944)"

"After watching Spencer Tracy roar off the deck in "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo," I became a B-25 fan!" Zeno, Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In Don't miss our B-25 DVD

The Navy Department produced this North American B-25 pilot training film for use by all services. (Is that Tom Clancy at the controls?) Named after Billy Mitchell, the controversial pioneer of heavy bombing, this is the plane that Jimmy Doolittle chose to fly off the deck of carrier Hornet for the dramatic raid on Tokyo. Extremely versatile, the North American B-'25 was the US's most produced medium bomber, fighting in all theaters and exported to virtually all Allied air forces. An effective level bomber, it could also be equipped with a multitude of additional machine guns, rockets, and even a 75mm canon, for low level ground attack.
©2013 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

La Lettre d'informations (aéronautiques) Janvier 2013 N°29

Forwarded message From: Jean-Jacques Lignier

Les informations du CENTRE DE DOCUMENTATION ET                
de la base aérienne 133 "Commandant Henry Jeandet" de Nancy-Ochey
           17 579 destinataires   mailing list remove on your first request                                               Janvier 2013  N°29

Chers lecteurs, chères lectrices 
 magazine, 62 pages d'informations aéronautiques, vous est offert sur le lien ci-dessous :


                   - Sébastien Loeb, aviateur dans l'Armée de l'air
                   - Actualités aéronautiques région Lorraine, France, internationales
                   - Hélinéo Le point sur l'hélicoptère lorrain, par son pilote d'essais
                   - Les Spit birmans: infos à la source The Irrawady News !
                   - SABENA et les hélicoptères
                   - L'actualité du patrimoine aviation (musées, arts, expositions, etc)

                 POUR LIRE  ou télécharger la collection complète : 
                  1- moteur de recherche :  taper:     2- taper :  CDRH   puis clic sur "Trouver"
                  ou sur Google :   taper:   CDRH            Merci de votre fidélité,             J-J Lignier

webzine : Magazine 2A n°35 janvier 2013

Thx Laurent

Forwarded message From: Laurent Bailleul

Voici le magazine de notre association pour ce mois de janvier 2013.
Disponible en consultation directe sur notre site ou en version téléchargeable.

Disponible également à l'envoi sous forme de fichier pdf  ( 1.84 Mo). Nous contacter.
Au sommaire :

L'infrastructure du mois                                                 
Le hangar Poulmic de la base aérienne de Châteaudun
Guilhem Labeeuw

L'aérodrome du mois                                                                
Histoire de l'aérodrome de Lahn Bihoué
Daniel Flahaut et Pierre Vilsalmon

Le musée du mois                                                                   
L'aérodrome de Nervesa Della Bataglia
Laurent Bailleul

Rapport d'activité   
Synthése décembre 2012 
Des terrains, des avions, des hommes                                      
Fernand Scrive
Jean-Luc Charles

Témoignage – Faits d'armes                                                     
12 juin 1942, l'audacieux survol de Paris
Pierre-Alain Antoine

Retour sur une visite                                                                 
Juvincourt, 14 janvier 2008
Laurent Bailleul

Et nos autres rubriques
Livres, liens sur le web, nos publications, adhésions récentes, agenda ...

Bonne lecture et Meilleurs voeux 2013 !
Le comité de rédaction 2A
PS:  le magazine mensuel de l'association Anciens Aérodromes est diffusé chaque mois vers nos membres mais également vers les abonnés.Si vous ne souhaitez plus en être destinataire, merci de nous le préciser pour vous enlever de la liste de diffusion.

Collection Philippe Veys latest update

Collection Philippe Veys

In August 2011, the collection Philippe Veys was given to the Brussels Air Museum Funds to be preserved digitally and put at the disposal of the aviation researchers. 

Avions_Dewoitine_193x_, 22 p Coll_Veys.pdf
7 MB
Description of aircraft produced by Dewoitine, 1930's years, 22 pages, Coll P Veys
Avro 652, Avro, 193_,  4 p, Coll P Veys.pdf
5 MB
Description of the Avro 652, date unknow, 4 pages, coll P. Veys, pdf compressed for the web
Avro, Avro,193x, 15p Coll_Veys.pdf
11 MB
Avro 626, Avro 637, Avro Kadet, Avro Commodore, Avro C30, text description, date unknown, 15 pages, pdf format, reduiced for the web


[vintage-and-warbirds] Burma Spitfire search finds water-filled crate that may contain plane

Forwarded message From: SIRIUS

Burma Spitfire search finds water-filled crate that may contain plane

By Telegraph reporters

9:43AM GMT 09 Jan 2013

It was not immediately clear how much damage the water may have caused, and
searchers could not definitively say what was inside the crate.

But British aviation enthusiast David J. Cundall, who is driving the hunt
for the rare Spitfires, called the results "very encouraging".

"It will take some time to pump the water out...but I do expect all aircraft
to be in very good condition," Mr Cundall said from Rangoon, Burma's main

The single-seater Spitfire, which helped Britain beat back waves of German
bombers during the war more than six decades ago, remains the most famous
British combat aircraft.

Britain built a total of about 20,000 Spitfires, although the dawn of the
jet age meant the propeller-driven planes quickly became obsolete.

As many as 140 Spitfires -- three to four times the number of airworthy
models known to exist -- are believed to have been buried in near-pristine
condition in Burma by American engineers as the war drew to a close.

The wooden crate located in northern Burma was found in Myitkyina in Kachin
state during a dig that began last month. It is one of several digs planned
nationwide, including another near the airport in Rangoon.

Mr Cundall said the search team in Kachin state inserted a camera into the
crate and found it was full of water. It was unclear what was inside the
crate, he said, but the water will be pumped out during an operation that
could take weeks, he said.

The go-ahead for excavation came in October when Burma's government signed
an agreement with Mr Cundall and his local partner.

Under the deal, Burma's government will get one plane for display at a
museum, as well as half of the remaining total. DJC, a private company
headed by Mr Cundall, will get 30 per cent of the total and the Burma
partner company Shwe Taung Paw, headed by Htoo Htoo Zaw, will get 20 per

During the project's first phase, searchers hope to recover 60 planes: 36
planes in Mingaladon, near Rangoon's international airport, six in Meikthila
in central Burma, and 18 in Myitkyina. Others are to be recovered in a
second phase.

Searchers hope the aircraft are in pristine condition, but others have said
it's possible all they might find is a mass of corroded metal and rusty
aircraft parts.

Mr Cundall said the practice of burying aircraft, tanks, and jeeps was
common after the war.

"Basically nobody had got any orders to take these airplanes back to [the]
U.K. They were just surplus...[and] one way of disposing them was to bury
them," Mr Cundall said. "The war was over, everybody wanted to go home,
nobody wanted anything, so you just buried it and went home. That was it."

Stanley Coombe, a 91-year-old war veteran from Britain who says he witnessed
the aircraft's burial, travelled to Burma to observe the search.

"[It is] very exciting for me because I never thought I would be allowed to
come back and see where Spitfires have been buried," Coombe said. "It's been
a long time since anybody believed what I said until David Cundall came


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Aircraft of Australia Aviation Photography:

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Hosted by the Clyde North Aeronautical Preservation Group.Yahoo! Groups Links

Air Journal - Civil Aviation - Brussels Airlines améliore son réseau africain

Posted: 09 Jan 2013 01:30 AM PST
La compagnie aérienne Brussels Airlines va augmenter ses fréquences sur les liaisons entre Bruxelles et certaines destinations africaines, entre autres vers Dakar, Conakry et Cotonou, et renforcer son offre en République Démocratique du Congo avec sa filiale Korongo Airlines. Dans …
Brussels Airlines améliore son réseau africain is a post from: Air Journal

New motion picture soon on the screen in Belgium : Flight

Inline image 1

See more on

Le Soir : Civil Aviation : Nombre record de passagers à Brussels Airport

Nombre record de passagers à Brussels Airport


L'aéroport a atteint son meilleur niveau depuis la faillite de la Sabena en 2001. L'aéroport de Bruxelles a clôturé 2012 sur un total de 18.971.332 passagers.

Lire la suite :

'' Mouchka '' Live : the last flight of Amanda Mouchka Stassart

Forwarded message From: Jeannine Martiny

Une très grande dame vient de nous quitter.  L'aviation était sa passion et elle l'a transmise avec amour à ceux dont elle assurait la formation, grâce à elle
la qualité des services Sabena était réputée dans tous les pays qui nous accueillait.
Elle aura toujours une place privilégiée dans nos coeurs.
Nous serons très nombreux à rendre hommage à Mouchka Stassart ce 11 Janvier à 11 h 30 en l'église St Lambert, place du sacré coeur à Woluwé St Lambert.

Amanda "Mouchka" Stassart was a member of the Comet Network and helped 52 airmen to escape during WW2. She was arrested and sent to a concentration camp.
After the war, she joined Sabena as an air hostess and married Marcel Désir, one of the B-25 boys (flying with the 139 Wing). After a long and successfull carreer with Sabena, they both retired.

Mrs Stassart left us for her last flight last January 11th.